User:Vtaylor/Computers and Society/CIS2 Summer 2018/Group 1

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Project Group discussion - Group 1

Group 1 "Best Resources"

Look for Johnathan B, anything he has posted is superb.

1. Introductions B)

From the 17 Sustainable Development Goals on the United Nations website I chose Goal 7 which is to "Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all." (UN). We're quite interested on how we might be able to reach this goal because renewable energy such as solar power has been around for quite a while and to have energy accessible to certain  populations where they haven't has the resources to receive electricity is quite a feat. "By 2030, increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix.. expand infrastructure and upgrade technology for supplying modern and sustainable energy services for all in developing countries, in particular least developed countries, small island developing States, and land-locking developing countries..." (UN). This ties into the topic that we are discussing because this campaign is focusing on the usage of computer technology in order create a universally accessible source of energy for populations listed previously. We assume the computer technology to provide a sustainable energy would be using solar power. But if the campaign's projected achievement of the goal is 2030, how does this affect society and the environment? In terms of the environment, from my understanding resources are needed to be harvested in order to create such computers. For example silicon is found within these computers and that must be harvest from silica. Looking from a societal standpoint you must need a lot of workers to install such devices, are we looking at a majority of workers being exploited in order to reach the yearly goal? What would be the first order once the countries has access to the renewable source of energy in terms of introducing them to computers or the internet?

This link provides you with information from the United Nations about 17 sustainable goals that or projected to be achieve within the next few years, specifically by the year 2030. According to their website their goal is to “countries adopted a set of goals to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all” (UN). This is a good link for an introductory topic because it takes you away from the main topic of class and bring to the spotlight something that you can be apart of to help the push for a better world. Once we separate ourselves from what we typically do in our daily lives, we can see that there are people out there that are trying to achieve something that seems so distant but possible. That is inspiriting. (Chi Do)

With the use of computers, many people increase their knowledge, they bring computer to a lot of industry in life like education, communication, banking or in manufacturing. But many people have problems with their health; for example: we are sitting comfortably on our computer, but in reality it's uncomfortable and uncomfortable for the body: the neck, the head, the arms and the shoulder are pulled, or electromagnetic radiation from the screen, impact the vision, etc. Gradually we forget about exercise and physical activities. Many people (especially students) prefer to spend hours in the computer, playing games or searching web, living in virtual worlds rather than go outside.

There is no denying benefits of computers as well as its practical role in the modern world. But everything has its flaws. Here are some things to keep in mind when making a friend with this technology so that you can exploit its benefits and limit the harms it causes.

These articles mention about the positive and negative impact of computer to society. (Yao)

Digital literacy is the ability to use data and communication technologies in order to find, evaluate, create and communicate these information which requires both cognitive and technical skills. This article shows that today with the technologies we can feel and touch everything that can teach us to use it more often in real life or will be useful when need it. (Megan Brooks) 

He's the author of "What Every Body Is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent's Guide to Speed-Reading People" (2008). He is a body language expert, a former FBI counterintelligence officer, and a recognized expert on nonverbal behavior. 

2. Privacy and Freedom of Speech B)

We came to the decision that we wanted to do this on information being sold on the internet without your guys' consent because of the whole Facebook "fiasco". Facebook had this "I'm sorry for selling your information" apologetic-type advertisement/commercial. We sure as hell wasn't sold one bit. This came on to us about how quickly your internet security can be breach and your personal information being taken from you without you even knowing. Personally some of us had many cards drained out from theft, and it's always funny seeing the transactions when you view the banking statement. It sort of hurts also, because you know you'll have to go through customer service and all that just you getting your money back and get a new card. In the article called "Here's How Much Your Personal Information Is Selling for on the Dark Web" by Brain Stack, it shows an in-depth chart categorizing how much your information is selling fro on the dark web based on what type of information it is. Whether its your credit card information, identification card(s), diplomas, passports, etc, someone is able to get a hold of it and sell for a pretty penny. Are we doing too little to protect or information of the internet? Since it seems that mostly everything is quite accessible to criminals and our security infrastructure is probably out dates (though I'm sure there are hard working individuals protecting us).

We've chosen this resource to spread awareness on the fact that some users information may have been accessed and stolen by a certain individual and may be sold on the dark web. Information being sent around the internet spreads very quickly, so it'll be unnoticeable to the individual affected sometimes. As much as you try to secure your information, there will always be someone a step ahead of you. Just be aware of the possibility that your information may have been exploited, and carry on the necessary procedures to prevent any more mishaps. (Chi Do)

By performing online activities every day, you may disclose personal information that others may use to infringe upon your privacy. This information may include sensitive information such as your IP address, email address, current location, home address, or work address. For example, online shopping often requires credit card information and your home address. Information is the currency of the internet. Your privacy on the internet depends on your ability to control the amount of personal information you provide and who has access to that information.

Freedom of speech is understood as the public expression of an individual or an organization with people, with society. If freedom of speech lacks that character, it is no longer freedom of speech. However, freedom does not mean being able to talk about anything and say no matter how. Freedom of expression is limited and is in association with the rights of the user. (Yao)

This article is focused on the topic of privacy online, it gave us advice and tips in order to protect our personal information online. Those tips are given by two analysts, the tips are simple to understand and don't need to bring your computer to a technician so everybody can do it to assure a better protection online. (Megan Brooks)

The article talked briefly about how the U.S. has a "hands-off way of treating internet companies". Discusses how we live in a market economy and companies use our data to profit in exchange for "free services" (such as Facebook and Google). (Ana Alfaro)

Freedom of speech vs censorship. A lot of people are confusing those two topics, myself included. The biggest problem is how the internet is viewed world wide. Unlike TV where every region can control its content, the internet is the same here in California as it is in Europe or Asia. What is acceptable here might not be acceptable in Asia. It will always be the conservative traditionalists who want the internet to be like a newspaper was 30 years ago vs the new age hipsters who want to get paid for blogging their feelings instead of working. I would be surprised if this fight ends in the next 30 years.

3. Intellectual Property B) B)

The two keywords we've chosen are "Creative Commons" and "open-source". Creative Commons is a site that we've known for quite. This is our go-to website in terms of looking for media to use that has been allowed by owners to be used freely. According to the Wikipedia page on Creative Commons focus is, "....expanding the range of creative works available for others to build upon legally and to share. The organization has released several copyright known as Creative Commons licenses. free of charge to the public. These licenses allow creators to communicate which rights they reserve, and which rights they waive for the benefit of recipients or other creators." (Wikipedia). Creative Commons does not overrule copyright but intends to simplify its various licensing for users to understand what is readily available for them to use for creative purposes. In the online article called "What is open source?" from the website by Online Source they define it as, "...refers to something people can modify and share because its design is publicly accessible." (Open Source). In relation to computers, there are programmable software that are "open-sourced" which means that the consumer is able to modify to their use. Open source software is a good source for people who need some foundation in order to guide them through what they would like a program to execute.

Open Source and Creative Commons both are sites providing free to use and modify creative works and software programs. This provides a foundation for users who are needing a first bump within their creative projects. Sometimes resources provided by Creative Commons and Open Source are exactly was creators are looking for that fits perfectly with their ideas drawn. What is perfect about these sites are that anything posted are available for everyone and are fully modifiable. A few members remember using these sites in their previous classes and they helped pave the way for our respective projects. Sometimes you just need that first stepping stone, and they have always done it for us. (Chi Do)

Intellectual property, is the brainchild of the human brain. It could be a literary, musical, computer software, invention, utility solution, industrial design, etc. And is protected in law by, likes patents, copyright, and trademarks, which enable people to earn recognition or financial benefit from what they invent or create. (Yao)

This article provides advises about how to protect your work, the expression copyright might be common but not so many people understand its real meaning. Through to this website you can have the possibility to understand what is copyright about but also know how to protect your works with it. This article provides few steps to follow in order to claim your ownership. (Megan Brooks)

Piracy is the illegal download movies, games, software, and more. Not only do companies lose millions of dollars every year due to piracy, but millions of people who download these piracy files get malware and viruses as well. (Ana Alfaro)

A small company claimed to intellectually own a screen or component to a hot new phone or computer for the past 6 to 10 years. They had 6-10 years to build it or use it but decided to wait until the company sold millions of units to speak up. Imagine what kind of technology we would be missing on if everyone who claimed intelectual property won their cases. On the other side of the coin, laws do exist to protect these individuals or smaller companies because dirty companies have stolen and not recognized the individuals who really made a change in this world.

4. Crime B)

One of the biggest questions is should the authority have access to an individual's (not guilty until proven) electronic device without their consent? What we're saying is that without a search warrant it would be unlawful for authorities to force or hack their way into access your private data within the electronic device. Apple's refusal to cooperate with the FBI post terrorist attack in San Bernardino had people questioning which side is in the right. Of course people would want to find out the information contained in the phone of the deceased terrorist in order look for the motives or if anyone else is connected to the event. But on the other hand it would be an invasion of someone's privacy since the owner of the device would not be the one allowing the search. Apple has done the most to protect your privacy, preventing authorities from having the right to brute force or hack your devices. If you guys have ever followed the stories between the Apple and FBI, you would know that the FBI managed to unlock the device but not with the assistance of Apple. They had a hacker unlock it which violates privacy right s and the FBI's excuse was that they managed to unlock it by themselves. Our question is how would you feel if someone was able to access your information without your consent? Them hacking into your devices in order to gather evidence against you for a charge (hypothetically)? Do you believe it is right that whether or not an individual is a criminal, are the authorities allowed to access your devices unlawfully?

This article gives some insight on an ethical issue regarding the access to your information with or without your consent. The article gives an example with the event of the San Bernardo shooting that occurred where the suspect ended up deceased. The FBI wanted to gather information on the suspect's cellular device, an iPhone, but they were not able to access because of a pass code protective the owner's information. Apple refused to assist the FBI with unlocking the phone because it violates privacy laws enacted. So the question is should the government body or any authority have the right to search or access you information on a locked device without the owner's consent? (Chi Do)

High-tech crimes are crimes that use high-level knowledge, skills, tools and technological to influence information and data storage by illegal way, transmitted in computer network, telecommunication network, digital equipment, infringing on information safety, damaging the assets of the State, organizations and individuals. (Yao)

The website's article provides 10 ways to avoid being hacked, because hackers are constantly seeking new victims, internet users have to be more careful about their actions online. These 10 steps can be very useful and are not easy to apply. From install security update to use Virtual Private Network, this article give you the basic moves that can secure you electronic belongings. (Megan Brooks) defines phishing as "to try to obtain financial or other confidential information from Internet users, typically by sending an email that looks as if it is from a legitimate organization, usually a financial institution, but contains a link to a fake website that replicates the real one."

5. Employment, Education and Entertainment B)

The website shows an engineering plan for K-8. It lists its target "...teachers/education leaders...students..." (Stemworks). The program for K-8 engineering is called "Engineering in Elementary". The site states that the program, "EiE has created a research-based, standards-driven, and classroom-tested curriculum that integrates engineering and technology concepts and skills with elementary science topics." (Stemworks). EiE's objectives are, "(1) increase children's technological literacy, (2) increase elementary-school educators' ability to teach engineering and technology, (3) increase the number of schools in the U.S. that include engineering at the elementary level, and (4) conduct research and assessment to further the first three goals and contribute to knowledge about engineering teaching and learning at the elementary level." (Stemworks). The program cost about $20,000 to support about 400-500, and the cost varies depending on the increase size of the school according the website.

This article provides information for the topic of how technology and the internet has affect society from an education standpoint. We are now seeing programs or supplemental packages created by companies that will "(1) increase children's technological literacy, (2) increase elementary-school educators' ability to teach engineering and technology, (3) increase the number of schools in the U.S. that include engineering at the elementary level, and (4) conduct research and assessment to further the first three goals and contribute to knowledge about engineering teaching and learning at the elementary level." (Stemworks). The only issue we have about such programs is that they seem to focus more on profiting rather than helping kids gain such skills. Providing such programs for a school or the whole district can be very costly, you'd have to commit fully to the regiment if you'd like to see children learn these things. Our focus should be what the kids are interested in in terms of education instead of conditioning them to specialize in a specific field at an early age before they can experience anything else. (Chi Do)

We think investing in the development of information technology is the right choice, but how to apply information technology in the field of life is more important. Today, we are shopping is easily, moving with the application, studying with only one click, ... So, we wonder does technology really saves time? How does information technology affect people's life? (Yao)

USDLA stand for United States Distance Learning Association, it is the first non profit distance learning association in the United States. It was created to support distance learning research, they are addressed to every education level from Pre-K-12 to higher education, they even do military and government training (Megan Brooks)

This article also taps into the positive lifelong benefits of lifelong learning, though it is more motivational and theoretical than the first article I shared. It summarizes what it means to be a lifelong learner, and how exactly to become one. (Ana Alfaro)

Nintendo, the only company we could think of that covers all three topics. They have been around for-ever (roughly since 1983). They have employed thousands of people and entertained several generations through their home consoles. They developed a game that taught typing on a modern keyboard using Super Mario Bros. Technology has always created jobs since mass production became a reality at the turn of the 20th century. The classrooms of tomorrow will be more virtual through i-Pads and virtual visors.

6. Midterm - Grand Challenges B)

Science Alert's online article called, "New Calculations May Finally Make Fusion Energy a Reality" they state that the main issue with harnessing fusion reactions is how would you be able to have it produce more energy than it expends. A group of physicists found that an odd-looking spherical design would achieve their could, because apparently it is able to produce a higher amount of energy rather than reactor designs such as tokamaks or stellerators. (ScienceAlert). The article claims that the main difference between the sphere shape versus the other two is that it is able to generate heat with temperatures "200 times hotter than the center of the Sun." (ScienceAlert). They might be able to produce a reaction without having any radioactive waste left over. I think they are heading in the right direction with choosing a reactor design that allows a higher heat threshold because in order to have a reaction as similar as the Sun, you must replicate it. They can overachieve by heating up 200 times more than the core which is fascinating. I think they must prioritize zero radioactive waste when it comes to having a clean energy source.

The thought out having a renewable source of energy that is extremely efficient is always a fascinating topic. People do not realize how much resources are used and energy is needed to make electricity to provide for everyone. We'd also have to take into consideration how it affect our carbon footprint on Earth, because our reliance of fossil fuels needs to be replaced before anything detrimental happens (climate change perhaps). Fusion energy is fairly difficult to replicate and the process to create solar energy will be to copy the exact procedure or event that happens on the Sun which is nuclear fusion. We can probably see the development of solar fusion plants in the near future, but the question is will it provide energy for the entire population including populations or groups around the world who haven't had access to electricity before. (Chi Do)

The protection of Coral Reefs in the world is very important. First of all, we need to understand what are coral reefs? Coral reefs are tropical rain-forests, which are place to various species and fish. Coral reefs are also divided into many layers and levels of cover such as rain-forest.

Coral reefs also have the potential to conserve biodiversity and natural aquatic resources for capture fisheries and marine aquaculture. In addition, due to the transition between the continent and the sea, the three ecosystems typical of the tropical sea are mangroves, coral reefs and sea grasses that are closely interrelated and interrelated. The important "ecological chains" in the sea and coastal areas, where one of them is affected, will affect the remaining chains. (Yao)

This article is about different ways of saving and protecting Coral Reefs. Coral Reefs are an important biodiversity, a lot of living beings depends on them and also the climate and the environment. Their destruction is a disaster and has a huge negative impact on the environment so in order to stop their destruction we can follow those advises provided by this website because they are really accurate. (Megan Brooks)

What is coral bleaching? When corals are stressed by changes in the environment, they expel the symbiotic algae living in their tissues, causing them to turn completely white and "bleached".

7. Evaluating and Controlling Technology B)

In the online article called "A Simple Explanation Of "The Internet of Things" by Jacob Morgan, he simply puts the Internet of Things into words, "...this is the concept of basically connecting any device with an on and off switch to the Internet (and/or to each other). This includes everything from cellphones, coffee makers, washing machines, headphones, lamps, wearable devices and almost anything else you can think of." (Morgan). I'm assuming this has to do with the connectivity within the internet and technology. Basically anything that has an on/off switch can be connected to the Internet of Things. The article also states the "Internet of Things" is practically a giant network that will connect everything with anything, including humans. (Morgan). My question is does the internet of things represent the technological invasion within human society, and is it harmful in a sense that it stunt human evolution? This is my assumption because of the statement that everything will be connected to each-other somehow, even devices or household items that don't seem to be technologically advanced (blender, or a refrigerator).

This is an interesting topic because it is actually happening around us as we speak. All of our devices, whether if it's electronic or not will sooner or later be all connected to each other. The reason why, we don't know. Only think we know is that someone is gathering all the data and information being sent out from these devices that are connected. The scary thing is how we are normalizing the idea of the Internet of Things. How can we see that it is okay to network anything and everything around us into a huge web. We don't know if the information sent out will be important but it may influence how companies will cater to the consumers' needs and will probably have you wrapped around their fingers. This is an eye opening article to be discussing. (Chi Do)

When deciding to use a source that found on the Internet, you must have a way to properly evaluate the information found on the Internet and to use that information reasonably. For example: What is the source of this information compared to the information you already know? Who provided the source? Does that information reflect current issues, reality? Was the information presented clearly? (Yao)

Google Docs is an essential tool for students because it helps them to create their assignments, it is an easy study tool. (Megan Brooks)

Khan Academy organizes its courses based on both topic and school level. The Academy's mission is to "provide a free, world-class education to anyone, anywhere." (Ana Alfaro)

It's a hard case when it comes to who should control our technology. If it's left up to the public to control it ourselves, then we will truly be lost. Most people in Northern California know what kind of tech they want and/or need. I'm not so sure about the rest of the country, much less the world. Whether it's a government assignment to a company to over see our tech development or given to the public, we might get short changed. Or maybe we are the only ones that can save us from ourselves. Technology has saved so many lives so I can't be all doom and gloom about this. Plus tech gives me peace a tranquility when I need it. All I know is the technology that I know and have. I have no idea if the next big thing is worth having or if it will change my life and I will be too afraid to make a choice unless someone else guides me through it.

8. Risks, Failures and Responsibilities B)

We have an online article called, "Medical Profession is Underutilizing Computer Technology" by Steven Novella (he went to medical school). He talks about how information technology within the medical field aren't what they had imagined it to be and that is why such profession occasionally rely on such technologies. A topic he mentions is having access to information. While there are many medical databases and case studies online that are universally available for users, something that is not universally available or readily available for employees are patients records. What we mean by patients records is as if they were looking all all their information and records from other hospitals. That information will be blocked unless they get an approval from the hospital or office. The information is not available online, the individual must get it either through mail or a fax with takes too much times and is inefficient. Another technology that was suppose to help immensely are Electronic Medical Records (EMR). A quote from the article, "Electronic medical records (EMRs) were supposed to improve the practice of medicine, increase efficiency, improved outcomes, reduce errors, and decrease costs." (Novella). The issue with the EMR was that the user interface made it extremely difficult for employees to navigate and the response time was also an issue. It was not efficient within the workflow of the hospital or offices. We do believe that the advancement of technology will be beneficial to medicine. It will improve an individual's life in different ways. The issue is the communication between tech and medicine. They need to collaborate properly in order to produce a product that is most applicable and efficient on the floor. Our question is that why hasn't this has been address soon enough? You know that there is countless flaws with the product given, how is it not taken back to the drawing board and reconstructed? Is there a language barrier between people in technology and medicine, for that to be the reason there are issues with the computers?

Typically we'd think that hospitals and doctors have easy access to a patient's information or that the equipment provided to the doctors are advanced and well equipped for the job. Well that's not the case for computer technology within the medical world. Programs such as the Electronic Medical Record were meant to be an efficient tool that the doctors will have on the floor that will assist in providing information on the patient's history and any type procedures. That was not the case as it seems that the user interface was fairly difficult to navigate even for the average doctor or nurse. Also the processor or memory have have been low spec as the response times on the machines have proven to become as issue for the nurses and doctors. (Chi Do)

Information technology risk is the probability of loss when performing activities related to information technology systems. Information technology risks related to management, use of hardware, software, communications, system interfaces, operations, and people Or criminal IT threats such as hacker, frauds, passwords thefts... (Yao)

This article is focused on Wikipedia's liability, Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia maintained by the people who use it, it is a free encyclopedia and everybody who have access to internet can be free to add some modifications to the topic that they want. This freedom is one of the main reason why Wikipedia can not be a reliable source because the information contained are not totally accurate most of the time. (Megan Brooks)

This article defines a conflict of interest as a situation in which an individual has competing interests or loyalties. It says that a conflict of interest can exist in many different situations. In certain circumstances [public officials and politicians], conflict of interest can result in prosecution.

9. Anytime, Anywhere B)

Very informative content. Objective. Information is is given based on the topic of each section, so it is very organized and easy to read. There is no visual representation, but the overall layout of the website has a very clean finish. Now this is proper example of an article that gives a definition for geolocation and an explanation of it's usage. In this online article called "What is Geolocation?" by Aine McCarthy she gives a more reader friendly definition for the reader, " refers to the geographical (latitudinal and longitudinal) location of an Internet-connected device. Not your location, mind you, but the location of whatever electronic medium is being used to access the Internet." (McCarthy). Yes people keep in mind that geolocation does not track your physical location in terms of you as an individual. It is keeping track of the location of the device that is being used. For example if you have a phone on you and you are using the navigation program. It will show the devices location, but you'd happen to be using the phone .McCarthy goes on to gives an explanation of why it is useful, "the government and police use it for security purposes, such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or ankle bracelets, which — when you think about the fact that neither type of data collection is precise — raises some unsettling implications. But, on the lighter side, some companies use it to change the way we play games by combining it with augmented reality (interacting with virtual elements based on geolocation), like Ingress and Pokémon Go." (McCarthy). Keep in mind that there are three ways geolocation can work, and it is based on data-collection. The three are: device based data collection, server based data collection, and combined data collection. If you want to know more about each of the three types, go ahead and go onto the link I provided and it'll take care of you.

Geolocation is beneficial in terms having it as a tool to guiding you to your next destination. Other then that companies and businesses typically use geolocation in order to collect information on your behaviors and routes you take in order to find marketing strategies in order to influence how you shop. It is a smart technique we may add. Do not worry as they will not be physically tracking you, only the device you are equipped with. (Chi Do)

Science and technology in the world is growing strongly and making remarkable progress. The most visible is the appearance and change of the smartphone in recent years. It is not wrong to call it "smartphone" because apart from the basic features of a mobile phone such as listening, calling, messaging, the smartphone also possesses extremely modern applications on the same level as a laptop. And those applications bring so many important uses in modern life. Nowadays smart phones are used very popular in life. People no longer use it for the primary purpose of ringing calls, but smartphones are using many of the other modern applications it brings. Whether you are at anytime or anywhere, with just a few clicks, you have a huge of options to stay in touch with friends, from video conferencing, picture messaging, instant messaging and live chatting online, or simply update Facebook status / images ... Send and receive emails regardless of computer, Capture all the time, plan and place in the palm.  (Yao)

This article is much more focused on the smartphone, it is more like an opinion about how the smartphone changed the life of its users since its creation. This article is a little summary of the negative and positive effects of the smartphone on the society and moreover their impacts on people. (Megan Brooks)

This .pdf from the white house discusses the many ways in which voter fraud can happen. It also lists notable cases of election fraud from across the country. The list is broken down by state, where individuals were either convicted of voter fraud, or where a judge overturned the results of an election.

10. Technology Advances, Social Trends B) B)

We believe Path will make a huge impact towards a greater number of people. According to their website, Path is "...a global team of innovators working to accelerate health equity so all people and communities can thrive. We advise and partner with public institutions, businesses, grassroots groups, and investors to solve the world’s most pressing health challenges." (Path). According to the Tech Awards website, it states that they reach more than 150 million in 70 countries each year. "Our team includes scientists, health professionals, business leaders, engineers, advocates, and experts from dozens of other specialties. We work in more than 70 countries to transform bold ideas into sustainable solutions that improve health and well-being for all." (Path). We believe they are organized enough and have the correct personnel in order to achieve their goal of providing proper health for countries that don't have adequate health care system or resources.

Providing adequate health care for countries and communities who do not have the resources is always a step in the right direction for humanity. What is really good about the organization Path is that is it comprised of "scientists, health professionals, business leaders, engineers, advocates, and experts from dozens of other specialties", so you understand that there are professionals working in their specialized field in order to provide solutions for medical care and resource to replace the faulty systems previously implemented by another institution or governing body. (Chi Do)

Technology influences human existence by bringing new risks as well as improvements to our lives. Technology development helps improve the quality of life, making people around the world can connect to each other more easily. However, anything has its downside. In addition to positive experiences, technology has in some ways changed our lives in the opposite way, causing us to wonder whether we are living in any real or virtual world. (Yao)

Due to the changes and updates in our favorite social media we tend to underestimate our future and underappreciate the progress of technologies.In 2018 we assist at the expansion of those social trends, live streaming is always popular while augmented reality is off now, Ad growth will accelerate, gaming will extend to social media apps and other more things. (Megan Brooks)

Since 1980's there has been a share of production employment declining, also overall employment of clerical occupations has declined. This article indicates there will be less need for a lot of people who perform tasks that require little intelligence. (Ana Alfaro)

Social trends control technological advances. If society all of a sudden want's to be earth-wise, then technology want's to be green and electric. In 90's everyone wanted to recycle, and technology moved right along. Making recycling plants and discovering the best way to recycle. Now, the young people want to be relevant and started a trend of composting instead of recycling. Some groups go as far as saying that recycling is not good for the environment anymore. Because people would rather listen to someone who sounds half smart rather than do a little research themselves we have a whole new problem on our hands. Just take diseases and conditions, we are investing 75% more in research for a disease that takes the same amount of lives as another disease. ( I will be specific so not to offend anyone) We invest more in technology that might hurt us in the long run that we invest in the cure or treatment of that harm. Technology helps itself in that regard. It hurts us and it cures us. We just have to wake up and see what's happening.