Workshop Home page - 16 - 18 March 2009
(: Hi G, you're there! Thanks for helping the others! Regards Joris 17 March 2009)
Website: | Phirinyane | ||
Employer: | Department of Information Technology- | ||
Occupation: | Chief Systems Analyst-Projects | ||
Other roles: | Project Manager | ||
Nationality: | Botswana | ||
Country: | Botswana | ||
Hello. My Name is Gonaya Phirinyane. I work as a Systems Analyst for Botswana College of Open and Distance Learning (BOCODOL). I hold M.Sc in Information Technology ( Rochester Institute of Technology, New York, U.S.A), B.Ed Science ( College of St Mark and St John, Plymouth, United Kindom), Advanced Project Management (University of South Africa) and Certificate for Distance Education Practitioners (University of South Africa), My achievements include
- developing and implementing college wide ICT strategy, data security policy and acceptable use policy,
- Project Management for implementing ERP and e-learning solutions,
- Systems and analysis and design
- process documentation for ISO 9001:2000 certification
My area of interest is Open Educational Resources because they are freely available and can be customised.As some commentators have rightly put it, we are better off with free content, even if its of low quality because we will have an ernomous pool of learning resources to customise to our local situation.Please follow this link for a brief introduction of OERs: Open Educational Resources
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Notes from my Wikineighbours
Hi Gonaya, wellcome to WikiEducator. I'm your WikiNeighbour.
You might be interested to meet more wiki-colleagues.. Please let me know if I can be of any help to you. Visit WikiEducator FAQs. Gladys Gahona.--chela5808 17:49, 19 March 2009 (UTC)