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Contact-new.svg Jane Whyte
Here I am hiding in the bush!
Occupation:Educator, currently Head of Computer Studies
Nationality:New Zealand
Certificate orange.svg
This user was certified a Wiki Apprentice Level 2 by Mackiwg .

My Profile

I am a teacher and love teaching Computer Studies

Professional Background

I started out teaching maths but some time ago made the change to teaching Computing to students and staff.


I went to University in Christchurch and also did my teacher training in Christchurch. Before going overseas to teach I did my Certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language.

What do I teach?

Computer Studies is an ideal subject to teach for the following reasons

  • students have a keyboard to touch
  • students have music or a tutorial to listen to
  • students have a screen to look at
  • students have a problem to solve

My Interests

My passion is technology but I love

  1. My family
  2. Learning
  3. Gardening
  4. Reading


Currently I am doing the following:

  • learning about WikiEducator
  • Gathering the option information for next year's timetable
  • Trying to get to the Moodle group
  • Teaching and marking
  • getting my head around the new Unit Standards for assessing Computing Leve 2 and 3


Making sure I don't spend too much time of the computer but remember to keep fit!

A few pictures to trial a swf file <flash>file=tonga.swf|width=50%|height=50%|quality=best</flash>


Here is a photo in the bush!

This is my first thumbnail, more are in my sandpit

My Projects

  • Reflective teaching practices
  • Thinking about Ethics and computer use in the classroom
  • Always looking for/making new resources for teaching

My Sandbox

My sandbox

My Reflection

Today (Friday 28th)I am behind but I will make My sandbox

External Links

St. Peter's School

Internal Links

Tips that Jane finds useful

Web resources

Icon inter.gif

Web Resources

My Contribution

Ideas for my contribution I would like to make a teaching resource that I could use in my classes. I would like to see if I can make some content -with several pages, each page describing one way to make an animated slide show to insert into a web page. This would be aimed at secondary schools. But would it be OK to talk about commercial software on these pages or would I need to stick to open source software?

Feedback & Notes from my WikiNeighbours

(Comment.gif: Hello Jane good to see you here, now a virtual neighbour as well! Hope the IB is going well for you. richardnz 20:01, 29 August 2009 (UTC)) (Comment.gif: Hi Jane, Well done so far. You have made a good start. Now keep adding more content, on which basis we will later certify you. Warm wishes,--Patricia 00:02, 26 August 2009 (UTC)) (Comment.gif: Hi Jane keep going you are doing great. If you need any help just ask me Rima 21:10, 28 August 2009 (UTC))
(Comment.gif: Hi Jane. The correspondence School is currently using Blackboard for it's online courses though we are going into a whole new environment early next year and for the life of me I can't remember what the system is called! I'm currently not inovlved in teaching online, but hope to develop some units I can use online. Regrettably, a large number of my students do not have access to a computer, yet alone the internet. Some country areas of NZ don't get good coverage with internet either. Barbara )


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Enjoy the workshop.
Patsy portrait 1.jpg

You may wish to check the schedule and layout of the workshop and introduce yourself.

  1. Click on the link EL4C29.
  2. The page that will open is the workshop page with all the links you will be using during the workshop.
  3. See your name in the list of participants.
  4. Whenever you have time click on each of the boxes.
  5. You may even start with Day 1 activities.
Enjoy the workshop.