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Contact-new.svg John Kuti
Website:Feel Do Think - making meaning in affective, psycho-motor and cognitive domains
Certificate orange.svg
This user was certified a Wiki Apprentice Level 2 by Nelliemuller .

Connected to this user page

  1. a wiki I started for Legal English
  2. My sandbox
  3. to do list

Hello wikieducators on course 15....It's wonderful to be here! (Comment.gif: Hi John. Welcome again. This is a nice start. You will be catching up fast. See here the levels of certification you can reach on the Wiki: WikiMaster Warm regards --Patricia 18:38, 2 December 2008 (UTC)) (Comment.gif: Congratulations, John. You managed to catch up very quickly. --Nellie Deutsch 11:37, 3 December 2008 (UTC))

Log of progress in the on line course

I enrolled very late in the free skills training course. After a bit of work on editing and linking [Day Four] and playing in My sandbox Now I'm improving my profile as part of Day Six I see that there are some stellar examples of user pages here. Below you can see an example of a web resources template from Day 9. See The first page of this tutorial on how to do it. Day ten - is about navigation and structures. I'm adding a to do list as a sub page to my sandbox.

A little about me

I have had quite an international life. I was born in England, and lived in Spain from 1992 - 96, where I became interested in language learning. After some shorter stays in other places I settled in Saint Petersburg in 2000.

I am interested in using corpus linguistics techniques for creating "English for Specific Purposes" materials with a data-driven lexical approach. I am currently studying courses in the Open University in the UK in their Distance and On-line education programme. The course I'm studying at the moment is on accessibility - this is the question of how a range of different users can have a convenient and pleasant experience from a web site.

Icon inter.gif

Web Resources

I have my own website called feel do think

I am a student of Online and Distance Education [1]
From time to time I write blog entries in What's the word, Wiseguy?

Some existing projects that relate to my skills and experience:

  1. On Using Moodle (but wouldn't work on this be better done in the Moodle Community?
  2. Esl over at wikiversity
  3. Language Daily self-study wiki languages
  4. ELT resources seems to be the centre of this work in WikiEducator for now.
  5. ELT_Lexical_Syllabus is a page I'd like to contribute to the ELT resources area

Some pages that I could use in my own teaching practice

  1. Rubrics/Wiki_Rubric_Development