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Every step you take, is a step away from where you used to be
Welcome to Einas's Page

17, July 2024

Contact-new.svg Einas Yahya Aleryani
Einas, USA
Employer:Donovan Middle School-Utica, New York
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This user was certified a Wiki Apprentice Level 2 by Wikirandy .

My SandBox

About Me

My Name is Einas Yahya Aleryani,I am from Yemen ,Living in USA. I am a mother of 4 Children two boys and two girls,My children are everything to me. I work as a teacher assistant at Donovan Middle School in Utica _NY, I also work with nonprofit organization Yemeni American Culture organization when I work I keep my kids in my mind, thinking of how to make this world better place for them to live my kids have Inspired me to do so many things, and everything I do I do it for them and for every child was left behind.

My Dream

My dream is to help people,in a way or other.I have established Yemeni American culture organization to work with Arab in general ,and Yemenis n particular.Educate them,and make them aware of their rights in US and Yemen.At the same time rise the awareness of how the law in the united states works, and how our social life has to be improved in the USA and in our Home land Yemen. It is very important to understand the law system in order to present a good Yemeni -American generation and to correct the negative stereotype that has effected us after September,11 .We still don't have a public office for the organization activities, but we are legally registered we work through other local organization and institutes, our main office is located in a small office works from home,until we get fund to rent a public place. We earn our money for the main time by offering affordable community education,such as Arabic,and English. The Yemeni American culture has many goals . I work hard on publish our mission and goals to make them happen we should work as one hand, and to keep the organization good reputation as one of the non-profit organizations that have done true,honest,and honorable region- community works among different cultures,built the bridge of peace that never stood for just more than a word. "I started from home,to reach home"

WE Community activities

I'm interested in: building website,for My Organization,Share, what i have learned with others.improve my skills,and learn from others.

Icon activity.jpg
Adult learning for illiterate Yemeni Women in Utica NY every Saturday and Sunday, started February 2009 100% voluntarily work provided by Yemeni American culture organization
  • Beginners Arabic classes for non Arabic speakers evening classes at Mohawk valley community college center of community education- Utica campus provided by Yemeni American culture organization. 'contract activity'

My Interests

I am so much interested in :

  • Improving my skills
  • providing our children with better education
  • making this world better place to live
  • bridging different cultures
  • Improve education in My beloved country Yemen
  • Set up a role model for my children
  • Help to reduce illiteracy among the Yemeni Society
  • Providing, Simple curriculum for illiterate individuals or groups
  • Promote the "Volunteer" term in Yemen
  • Improve the sense of high self steam among Yemenis whom are living in a different cultures
  • Help to train younger generation,in how to be effective in the Yemeni Society ,and teach them that sharing what they have learned or earn is priceless, so never ask for how much,look at the main principle you may give others,and inspired them by your efforts,and voluntary work you provide them


September 2008 To January 2010 Utica Schools District Utica, NY

ESL Teacher Assistant

Taught average class of 15 students from different culture the English language Use materials provided by the school district such as computer, books, games and

Smart board.

Meeting with parents to inform them about kids performances and area of study Needs. Translate documents for the School District

July 2008 To Present Yemeni American Culture organization Utica, NY Women Empowerment project (Literacy for Illiterate) Arabic Instructor for adult basic education Taught average class of 8 adults Yemenis female students the basic survival needs in English and the American culture Demonstrate the basic cultural aspects and how to be part of the American society. Taught the Arabic language, writing and reading.

Prepare students for the testing on their Citizenship certificate. 

March 2008 To May 2009 Mohawk valley Community College Utica, NY Arabic Course instructor for non-Arabic speakers adults Taught average class of 16 students, from different levels of professionals Not limited to government, agencies and federal employees. Taught MSA grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing and speaking Taught the Arabic culture in general

October2007 To Present MAMI Interpreters of Central NY Utica, NY Medical simultaneous interpretation at local hospitals and different clinics Simultaneous Interpreter at the local justice department of Utica Certified under oath documents translator.

November 2007 To January 2008 MetLife Insurance Company Utica, NY Reviewed and writer of customer Applications, life term, disability and claims applications Processed claims for eligibility after determine the dollar amount. Worked closely with different departments supervisors.

February 2006 To July 2006 MEPI Project Manager (unlimited potential) Sana’a, Yemen Programmers promoter Program selector trainers Prepare traınees lıst,interview candidates, make final selections, prepare contract letters Monitor the program at the cities level and rural areas. Design annual program calendar. , Prepare for the program launching. Supervise and monitor trainers performance Issue certificates of achievements Establish students information Data system entry.

August 2005 To February 2006 UNDP Sana’a, Yemen Conference Assistant Coordinator for the United Nations Women’s Rights in the Arab World Prepared concept papers to raise fund for the conference. Formulate participants invitations. Arranged for visas, accommodation, and transportation for regional and international participants Create Data base for all participants Assigned panels to different groups Translate all conference documents from Arabic to English.

August 2003 To August 2004 American Organization Sana’a, Yemen Project Assistant Liaison for the Ministry of Higher Education. Arranged press releases, Interviewed applicants for the Key Women Programs Assisted in the selection of applicants for the youth program Assisted in the daily management, for development programs under the project administration Electronic, e-learning and English training projects at the American Embassy Participated in the negotiation for the E-Learning projects Identified high schools in rural areas to participate in the E-Learning project Interviewed students for English training project and prepared reports Translated daily correspondence, project documents and minutes of meetings Conducted simultaneous interpretation during official meetings Formulated, typed and disseminated official communication between AMIDEAST In addition to government institutes.

July 1996 To November 1998 HCT Sana’a, Yemen Administrative Assistant Translation of legal documents ,writing official correspondence Communicate with foreign clients via mails, and phone calls Meeting arrangement, and document all information in data base

Education Education: 2010-present MA in liberal science -political and Human rights USA Utica college of Syracuse University 1995 – 1999 BA, English Literature. Sana’a University, Yemen 1993-1994 Old Arab, Roman Egyptian History. Sana`a University, -Yemen 1990-1991 Psychological Science. Sana`a University,-Yemen 1991 – 1992 English Language courses ,Washington DC 1992 - 1992 English Language courses, Nova Collage, USA 1986 - 1989 High School Diploma ,( Arwa) School- Sana’a-Yemen

Relevant Training Training and certification: Certification of BA degree in English literature Certificate of achievement in Violence Against Children. Certificate of achievement in Child Behavior. Certificate of achievement in Drug Abuse Among Children and youth.

Certificate of achievement in Data entry, Microsoft Word, Excel, Accesses .and power point.

Certificate of achievement in NYS Teaching Assistant. Certificate of achievement in health insurance application and claims review.

Certificate of achievement in medical interpretation.

Certificate of qualification in ACTFL ILR-OPI Certification of teaching Arabic Language MSA Certification of teaching English as a second language in Yemen Certification of appreciation on Teaching issued by Department of Education

Membership: Member of the American council of the teaching on foreign language (ACTFL) Member of the YWCA of Mohawk Valley. Member of the National association of female professionals (NAOFP)

Honors: Mother of four Children.


Never look down on anybody, unless you are going to help them up

My Projects

Considering sexually transmitted diseases among the most serious diseases and the most deadly human beings especially in this age, where according to latest reports, the World Health Organization to sexually transmitted diseases are most prevalent in the world, and it is the most important and most urgent health problems facing the countries of the West, the number of casualties continues to rise at all ages especially in young adulthood, "calculated that every second person is four sexually transmitted diseases in the world, this according to the statistics, which some scientists said The officially reported cases does not exceed a quarter or a tenth of the real number.

These diseases spread among the people, such as the spread of wildfire, and can be for one person carrying a disease and one of them happen and be in the environment this fact t has been confirmed by a study conducted in Britain For longer than thirty years ago, where an infected one of infecting illness of sexual diseases can spread it to others. What should occur large numbers of people with these diseases are millions of epidemics sweeping those communities!

The pain, disease and mass death and destruction is the natural consequence of the spread of these diseases, therefore, several international organizations to address these risks juggernaut such as WHO, the World Federation to combat venereal disease, and experts have completed these organizations to develop decisions, recommendations and warnings, with all this has been the problem in the increasing scale and complexity constant, both in the types of these diseases, or the number infected by, so became exponentially, what is the real reason for the spread of these terrible diseases that come alive with unknown cause of self-evident by the complainant and is purely by the sounds, and actions taken him but in vain! It is immorality and pornography Launched in sexual relations, that the spread of adultery, homosexuality and other sexual anomalies. I remember I have read in some book about sexually transmitted diseases: The spread community's indulgence towards all sexual practices and there is no sense of shame of adultery, sodomy or any sexual relationship irregular or forbidden (if we talk religious), but the media made it a shame on both boys and girls to be married, that abstinence for men or women are in Western societies than a shameful affront to one, the media and urges calls to porn as normal biology, and the view of many experts that the three most important factors for the spread of sexually transmitted diseases is pornography and the widespread use of contraceptive pills and antibiotics. Gonorrhea lead the list of the infectious diseases, as more sexually transmitted diseases common in the world, the figure is installed in the statistics about two hundred and fifty million people are infected annually, and this is not a fact, because the number of cases reported and contained in the statistics are from ten to a quarter of the real number.

Although the exact gonorrhea germs attack on all members of the body and causing infections and illness and pain to the victim but that the most serious effects is to cut the victim's descendants; so it is this disease Palmakm larger.

Thus both sexually transmitted diseases herpes, ulcers, soft, granular tumor Albulgmi genital granuloma inguinale, warts reproduction, molluscum contagious, viral hepatitis, in addition to other fungi and parasites that infect the reproductive system of millions of people. AIDS disease caused by a virus as little seen only after the opening of hundreds of thousands of times electron microscope Figure 3 that the HIV virus from a virus reflected Retroviruses, which is the smallest micro-organisms known to us and have a remarkable ability to colonize the living cells and reproduce them by controlling the secrets of genes in the cells.

The AIDS virus attacks the lymphocytes, which help form the backbone and the mastermind of the human immune system and destroys the cells.

What happens in the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)? How it changes its proprieties and types as we have learned that viruses always change its type and proprieties?

Concentrated attack HIV cells help Faisal movement and breeding after deciphering the secrets of their genes and then destroyed, and out of the huge numbers of viruses attacking the new cells are also large numbers of cells to help the sound to commit suicide when intercourse with the news that the virus entered one of them and dribble inhibition defense mechanisms of the immune system, until they collapse and means to defend

This disease is also known is greater among homosexuals homosexuals and adulterers and users of alcohol and drugs , doctors and researchers were powerless against this devastating disease cannot find a cure or treatment, , which is on the rise and spread of each day, have arrived in the incidence of HIV disease in the world today to more than sixty million Health Organization has estimated the global number of people who have died because of HIV AIDS since its inception in 1980 until the end of 2001 more than twenty million people.

يوما تغني في منافينا القدر ... لابد من صنعاء وان طال السفر


A Vision through the kitchen`s window in old Sanaa City,YEMEN

dar Alhajer, Yemen

(Comment.gif: What a lovely pic! Warm Greetings Einas. Gladys Gahona.--chela5808 05:35, 28 February 2009 (UTC))

A jewel from the Yemeni poetry

ماذا أحدث عن صنعاء يا أبتي؟

مليحة عاشقاها: السل والجرب

ماتت بصندوق »وضاح«بلا ثمن

ولم يمت في حشاها العشق والطرب

كانت تراقب صبح البعث فانبعثت

في الحلم ثم ارتمت تغفو وترتقب

لكنها رغم بخل الغيث ما

برحت حبلى وفي بطنها قحطان أو كرب

وفي أسى مقلتيها يغتلي

يمن« ثان كحلم الصبا... ينأى ويقترب

حبيب« تسأل عن حالي وكيف أنا؟

شبابة في شفاه الريح تنتحب*

كانت بلادك (رحلاً)، ظهر (ناجية)

أما بلادي فلا ظهر ولا غبب

أرعيت كل جديب لحم

راحلة كانت رعته وماء الروض ينسكب

ورحت من سفر مضن إلى

سفر أضنى لأن طريق الراحة التعب

لكن أنا راحل في غير ما

سفر رحلي دمي... وطريقي الجمر والحطب

إذا امتطيت ركاباً للنوى

فأنا في داخلي... أمتطي ناري واغترب

قبري ومأساة ميلادي على كتفي وحولي العدم المنفوخ


حبيب« هذا صداك اليوم

أنشده لكن لماذا ترى وجهي وتكتئب؟

ماذا؟ أتعجب من شيبي على

صغري؟ إني ولدت عجوزاً.. كيف تعتجب؟

واليوم أذوي وطيش الفن

يعزفني والأربعون على خدّي تلتهب

كذا إذا ابيض إيناع الحياة على

وجه الأديب أضاء الفكر والأدب

  • [1]Traditional dance
  • [2]Tradetional song
  • [3] Yemeni culture
  • [4]AAYSP

My Music

[5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]

My Links

Doctor. Frank Duggan [17]

My Group


The Mother`s Heart

أغرى امرئ يوماً غلاماً جاهلاً

بنقوده كيما ينال به الوطر

قـال ائتني بفــؤاد أمـك يـــافتى

ولك الدراهم والجواهر والدرر

فمضى وأغرز خنجراً في صدرها

والقلب أخرجه وعاد على الأثر

لـكنـه من فرط سرعـتــه هوى فتدحرج القلب المعفر إذ عثر

نــــــاداه قلب الأم وهـو معــفـــر

ولدي حبيبي هل أصابك من ضرر؟

فكأن هذا الصوت رغم حنوه

غضب السماء على الولد قد انهمر

وصدى فظيع خيانة لم يأتها

ولد سواه منذ تاريخ البشر

ويقول ياقلب انتقم مني ولا

تغفر فإن جريمتي لا تغتفر

واستل خنجره ليطعن قلبه طعناً فيبقى عبرة لمن اعتبر

ناداه صوت الأم كف يداً ولا تطعن

فؤادي مرتين على الأثر

My Collections

بكتك اريان و انهالت مدامعها

وكاد يبكيك

من جدرانها الحجر

وناح ريمان و اهتزت جوانبه

وكاد للهول و المأسأه ينفطر

يا ربه البيت يا مشكاه بهجته

العيش بعدك مر كله صبر

القاضي محمد بن يحيى الإرياني

ظلتّْ عصورٌ للمكارم تحكــــمُ

تبني كما يبنى الزمان ويحكـــمُ

تملي على الدنيا

إرادة شعبهـــا

تهبُ الحياة لمن

تشاء وتعـــدمُ

كانت شعوب الشرق تحت لوائهـا

تهنى بعيش في

الحياة وتنعـــمُ

لاذت بعصمتها الشعوب بل انحنت

لجلال عالي ما

بنته الأنجـــمُ

العلم والخلق الرضيُّ سياجهــا

والعدل والحق ا لمبين الأقـــومُ

ريدان فيها شامخٌ متسلــــطٌ عالٍ بناه

بالسحاب معمــــمُ تسري على قمم

الجبال كأنهــا

تاج تداوله

العصور ومعلـــمُ

وبدائع الإتقان في عرصاتهــا

والفن بالوضع الرصين منمـنمُ

عظة من الزمن القــديم وآية

سجد الأشمّ لها وخرَّ الأعظــمُ

القاضي محمد بن يحيى الإرياني

متى تستفيقُ العرب

يومًا وتغضـبُ؟

متى يشرق الصبحُ الذي نترقــبُ؟

متى يرجع القدس السليب لأهلــه؟

متى ترفع الأعلام

فيه وتُنصَــبُ؟

أفاقت شعوبٌ حولها وتجمعــت

قواها وأجواء العروبة غَيْهَــبُ

أنيطت بأشباه الرجال أمورُهُــم

وقُلَّد حمل السيف من ليس يَضْرِبُ

فلا ترتجوا خير الزعامات إنهــا

أرانب ُ يثنـيـها

عن العزم ثعلبُ

فهم كغثاء السيل لا خير فيهــم

زعانف في أوحـالها تتقلـــبُ إذا ما دُعوا يومًا لصدِّ عدوهــم

تعامى عليهم أمرهم فتهـــرَّبوا

وإن قام فيهم

ناصحٌ أو موجــهٌ

يقولون عنه:

مائقٌ و مخـــرَّبُ

أيا مصر يا أرض

الكنانة ما الذي دهاك وأنت الأم

للعــرب والأَبُ؟ سفارة إسرائيل بين ظهوركـم لها منطق يُمْلَى

عليكم ويكــتبُ وإخوانكم إما

طريدٌ مشـــردٌ

وإما أسيرٌ في السجون يعــذَّبُ

ولبنان جرحٌ

نازفٌ في صدورنا

يدمَّره مكر العدى

و يخـــرَّبُ

وغزة والجولان

والضفة اشتكت

هوانًـا، فهل لله والحق نغضبُ؟

القاضي محمد بن يحيى الإرياني

Notes from my WikiNeighbours

(Comment.gif: Hi Einas keep going great job Rima)

Welcome to WikiEducator, I am enjoying your page, fantastic pictures, your wikineighbour Nadia El Borai