(: Dear Hallam, You have made wonderful progress. Congratulations!! I have certified you. See here, the different levels of certifications of the WikiMaster programme. Warm regards, Patricia)
Occupation: | Managing Director of CARITEL | ||
Nationality: | Barbadian | ||
Country: | Barbados | ||
| |||
Today is: 11, February 2025
The purpose of this project is to provide an online database to Caribbean students pursuing the CXC (Caribbean Examinations Council) course in Information Technology at secondary schools. Teachers would have access to a database as well as a Claroline site to conduct classes online. It is hoped that the introduction to this technology solution will result in development of other curricula and resources by teachers for public or private good.
Thank you for visiting CARITEL Tech. I am Hallam Hope, principal co-ordinator and Managing Director of CARITEL, a Telecommunications & Marketing consultancy based in Barbados. CARITEL Tech is a non-profit educational initiative conceived by myself and fellow teacher Sharifa Marshall, who prefers to make her wonderful contributions in the background. The online database was established to aid fourth and fifth form students in the Caribbean with the research to succeed at the CXC (Caribbean Examinations Council) Information Technology examination. We are seeking partnerships with principals, teachers, students and benevolent individuals to donate cash to develop this project.
The Caribbean is a potpourri of various cultures which share, in their different languages and customs,several common social goals. One such goal is the desire to educate its population using Information and Commmunication Technologies (ICTs). While some citizens may speak English, others Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, French and creole version of all they also have very rich and very poor citizens. Education is widely regarded as one channel to provide citizens from low income environments with a chance to compete with those from middle class or higher income brackets.
If you are interested in contributing or benefiting from this programme contact me at :
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Based on the social indicators of the United Nations Human Development Index Barbados ranks as number one among developing countries. It however has an aging school plant and those schools that have computer laboratories are unable to cater to the majority of children. Add to that the fact that schools are open for a short while and there are more parents that have access to the Internet than what is available at the institutions. The situation is similar or even much worse elsewhere in the Caribbean. Hence the concept of online education which provides teachers, students and parents the flexibility of collaborating at varying hours would appear to make a lot of sense.
To get started you should note that the Information Technology database is hosted on my portal: Hallam Hope An external link has been created under WATCH THESE LINKS for you to access the site. After you have visited my portal follow the simple instructions below:
Click on Educational Tutoring, Click on English Language, Click on IT 101 (disregard the typo), Click on Documents and Links to get to the database,
While this takes you directly to the information you require I am encouraging you to work through the other sections to get a feel of how Claroline could be used by you.
You have some options: Collaborate with us to strengthen the database with any files or documents you have; simply get your students to access it or use it in whatever way you/they wish or build your own teaching tools from We are looking for money to improve the interface, functionality etc. I am hoping this wiki will be useful in this regard. The more institutions we get on board the more viable the project is. So tell your teacching colleagues in other schools in your country or share it with your Caribbean colleagues. If there is a difficulty or query you have our email address - or you may visit the portal and click on the contact section. We do not claim copyright on anything. And it's FREE!
WikiEducator is a community resource supported by the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) for the development of free educational content. |
(: Absolutely beautiful, Hallam. --Nellie Deutsch 19:03, 4 December 2008 (UTC) )