I'm Bulbul

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I am Bulbul. I am a journalist, working with Daily Prothom Alo, abc radio & Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha BSS.NSS I am a member of Exucative Commitee of NSS, a Social Development Organisation.

বাবুল আকনের হোমপেজে স্বাগতম

Welcome to Babul Akond's Home Page


Welcome & Thanks for visiting!

Date & Time : 8, February 2025 20:18

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About Me

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Details of the Workshop

  • Venue- Rupantar, Khulna
  • Date-March 31 to April 2, 2012

Participants List

I'm Bulbul.

I completed Master Degree in English literature from National University of Bangladesh. I'm working with Daily {rothom Alo, abc radio & Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha BSS as Journalist. I'm also involved with NSS, a social development organisation as a member of it's executive committee.



My Dream


About WikiEducator


I tried to think about magic words that I could use to describe WikiEducator to my friends especially who are work with us, how can I influence them to use WikiEducator. Then I knew that the best person who can give me the magic words that I was seeking for Is WikiEducator's founder.

My Plans for WikiEducator

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  • Help to Develop WikiEducator community in Bangla.
  • Involve and develop projects which helps my country in Local Governance and other issues of Bangladesh

Training Received


SL. No Name of Training Duration Venue
1 M&E 5 days MJ
2 PCM 5 days SDC
3 M&E 3 days VSO
4 M&E 2 years VSO Adviser


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Rupantar is founded in 1992, and started its operations from 1995 in Khulna and Bagerhat district. At the beginning activities were mainly cultural; Rupantar activists performed theaters and popular folk music on various social issues.

The fundamental principal of Rupantar is based on the hypothesis that culture and sustainable development are closely connected. This connection is an emerging concept in the development world. Although the identity of a society is largely determined by its culture, yet is difficult for any society to have a static sense of the culture. Both society and culture are changing simultaneously.
Rupantar is registered as NGO in December 1992.
The field activities of Rupantar started in 1995 initially with cultural activities using alternative theatre, folk drama and popular publications for the grassroots poor male-female. Rupantar has always been implementing new activity with the past field experience and learning.
Rupantar to-day stands as a unique development organization with special characteristics towards contributing in mainstream development process in Bangladesh.

Rupantar started research with the local folk culture of the Sundarbans Region to find out the scope for mainstreaming the folk culture in development. After a great deal of research Rupantar identified a number of about to be extinct folk cultural media that were used as education and communication media in the past. These cultural media are being developed and updated to be used as communication media.http://www.rupantar.org

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My sandbox

L4C Workshop in Khulna

L4C60 Workshop Pic

উইকি এডুকেটর বাংলাদেশ চ্যাপ্টারের প্রথম সভা

My Collection


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This user is a Member of
Convening Committee
Bangladesh Chapter
Working Group

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E-content Workshop April 2012



Leave me a message

Notes from my WikiNeighbours

Very nice to meet you here. WikiEducator is a very warm and comfortable community. () . If there is any way I can help you, please let me know (coloured backgrounds, margins, user pages in multiple languages). Come visit my user page. Also, just to remind you, I put up a new page on which you can practice collaborating, by using your editorial skills included in the tutorial. See: Alternative Teaching methods and add your comments, criticisms, more methods, or reflections. Just try it. Cheers, Phil. --Phil Bartle 10:44, 15 December 2009 (UTC)

(Comment.gif: Wow I am truly impressed with your site, Subol. You definitely deserve an upgrade, so I have certified you a WikiBuddy. Congratulations. Warm wishes, --Patricia 03:08, 25 September 2009 (UTC))

(Comment.gif: Congratulations Tutul! You are now a WikiBuddy. It's a happy moment for Bangladesh Chapter Working Group. This is a very significant milestone for you and Bangladesh. We are proud of you. --Abdul Halim 14:53, 25 September 2009(UTC))

Road Works.svg Work in progress, expect frequent changes. Help and feedback is welcome. See discussion page. Road Works.svg

I Like

My Favourite

  1. Fruite is Mango
  2. Foods are rice & fish
  • My father was a government Official
  • My Mother is a home maker




  1. User:kpunicef
  1. User:kabir_up

  1. user:basanty2012

  1. Rupantar Workshop

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{{Infobox personal |Name = Bulbul Akond

|Email = bulbulkanta@gmail.com

|Boxes =

|Photo =
Bulbul Akond

|Employer = Prothom Alo, BSS

|Website = http://www.nssngo.org

|Blog =

|Occupation = Journalist

|Nationality = Bangladeshi

|Languages = Bangla, English

|Country = Bangladesh
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  1. How do you do?
  2. What's your Father?
  3. what's your name?

bulbul new page

/bulbul sub page

Notes from my WikiNeighbours

  • Greetings form WikiEducator Bangladesh Chapter Working Group. It’s a great start. Hope you will doing best for Wiki. ( উইকিএডুকেটর বাংলাদেশ চ্যাপ্টার ওয়ার্কিং গ্রুপের পক্ষ থেকে শুভেচ্ছা! আশা করছি উইকি’র জন্য আপনি একটা সুন্দর পাতা তৈরি করার জন্য কাজ করে যাবেন। আপনাদের সার্বিক মঙ্গল কামনা করছি। যেকোন প্রয়োজনে আমার সহযোগিতার হাত প্রসারিত থাকবে। --Abdul Halim