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link title(Comment.gif: Dear Anita, You have done really well. I you allow me to suggest, try adding a few hyperlinks and create some subpages to qualify for the next upgrade to Level 2, Wiki apprentice. See here. Warm wishes --Patricia 21:31, 16 April 2009 (UTC))
(Comment.gif: Hi Anita, Welcome to WikiEducator. Nice to see you here. Good start...keep going. Best Wishes. Gita --Gita Mathur 10:03, 13 April 2009 (UTC))

Date & Time : 13, February 2025 11:12

Contact-new.svg Anita Narang

'Employer:Acharya Narendra Dev College, [University of Delhi']
Occupation:Lecturer in Senior Scale
Nationality:Indian Flag of India.svg
This user is a WikiNeighbour
for WikiEducator.

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This user was certified a Wiki Apprentice Level 1 by Saritasanjay .

About me

Hello everyone I am Dr Anita Narang teaching Botany at Acharya Narendra Dev College in University of Delhi.I did my schooling from A.R.C.School, Charbatia, Orissa; graduation from S.B. Women's College, Cuttack (Utkal University); post-graduation from Ravenshaw College, Cuttack (Utkal University); M.Phil. from Department of Botany, University of Delhi and Ph.D. from Department of Botany, University of Delhi.

My interests

Besides my teaching I love listening to old hindi movies songs. I love playing with my two lovely kids-Vaishnavi and Manas. Together we enjoy watching Tom & Jerry and Discovery channel over the T.V. We enjoy playing all outdoor and indoor games.


(i)Dewan, A.; Nanda, K. & Gupta, S.C. 1991. Moraphogenic potential of a xerophytic leguminous tree

(ii) Dewan, A; Nanda, K. & Gupta, S.C. 1992. In vitro micropropagation of 'Acacia nilotica' subsp. 'indica' Brenan via cotyledonary nodes. PI. Cell Rep. 12: 18-21. iii) Dewan, A.; Nanda, K. & Gupta, S.C. 1993. In vitro regeneration of a multipurpose woody legume-'Acacia nilotica' subsp. 'indica' Brenan. In: Int. Workshop on "Advances in Tree Development Control & Biotechnique". Beijing, China, p.27.

(iv) Dewan, A; Nanda, K. & Gupta, S.C. 1994 a. Mass propagation of 'Acacia holosericea' -a leguminous tree. In: Fourth Ann. Symp. On Biotechnology and Human Society, I. W.S.A., Delhi, p. 24.

(v) Nanda, K. Dewan, A.; Philips, S. & Gupta, S.C. 1994 b. Mass in vitro propagation of arid zone tree legumes. In : VIIIth Inv. Congr. P1. Tissue and Cell Culture, Firenze, Italy, p. 165.

(vi) Dewan, A.; Nanda, K. & Gupta, S.C. 1995. 'In vitro' regeneration of 'Acacia' 'holosericea' -a leguminous tree. In 2nd Int. P1. Tissue Cuit. Conf. Dhaka, Bangladesh. p .27.

(vii) Dewan, A.; Nanda, K. & Gupta, S.C. 1996 a. Canal propagation of 'Acacia nilotica' subsp. indica' Brenan Trees. In Int., Conf. Biotech. & Biodiver ., Kathmandu, Nepal, G-II. (Abstr.).

(viii) Nanda, K. Dewan, A.; Philips, S. & Gupta, S.C. 1997. Micropropagation of Acacia species. In: Nat. Symp. on Emerging Trends in PI. Tiss Cult. & Bioi. & XX Meeting of P1. Tiss. Cult. Assoc, (India), Osmania Univ., Hyderabad. p. 48.

Participation in Seminars/workshops etc.

➢ Presented paper on "Mass propagation of 'Acacia holosericea -a leguminous tree". In: Fourth Symp. On Biotechnology and Human Society I.W.S.A., Delhi,1994.

➢ Participated in National Symposium on “Biotechnology: Expanding horizons” from 17th to 18th October, 2004.,INSA.

➢ Participated in National conference on Biodiversity Related International Conventions : Role of Indian Scientific community: from March 8th to 10th 2006, Botany Department, University of Delhi.

➢ Participated in 3 days workshop on Content creation for e-learning” from August 25th -27th 2006, Campus of open learning, University of Delhi.

➢ Participated in 2 days workshop on Genetics, Genomics and Biotechnology” from December 14th -15th , 2006, University of Delhi.

➢ Participated as a resources person for practical training workshop on “Understating complexities of life from Molecules to System: concepts and tools from May 12th t0 23rd , 2008 A.N.D .College, University of Delhi.

➢ Participated in a workshop for Biology Laboratory Courses (LS-206) from September 24th -26th , 2008, ILLL, University of Delhi

➢ Participated as a resource person in the workshop for Biology Laboratory Courses (LS-308) from September 21st -24th , 2008, ILLL, University of Delhi.

➢ Participated in a workshop on content creation for B.Sc. Life Sciences courses on 9th April, 2009, [ILLL,] University of Delhi.

My corporate life in my college

➢ Worked as Convenor of College Garden Committee from 2000-2002. During this period in addition to maintaining the Garden, I also helped in establishing an Environment Awareness Club for the First time in the College with about 80 student members. Under the headship of this club we developed a compost yard at the rear of the college garden.

➢ The Club also organised seminars on environmental issues and eminent speakers were invited from the Department of Environment, Delhi Government.

➢ The Club arranged an annul fund of Rs.4000/- from the Department of Environment for the College.

➢ Worked as Convenor of the Canteen Committee from 2002-2004. Under this headship we started a Holistic Food Centre.

➢ Member of Environment Society, Professional Development Programs Committee & Faculty Enrichment Programs Committee in 2002-2004.

➢ Was co-opted as the member of Canteen Committee from 2004-2005,2005-2006 by the Principal Dr. Pratibha Jolly.

➢ Was Teacher-in-charge of Botany Department from 2004-06.

➢ Was the convenor of Botanical Society from 2004-06.

➢ Member of Library Committee from 2004-06.

➢ Member of Purchase Committee from 2004-06.

➢ Member of Admission Committee from 2004-06.

➢ Member of Alumini Committee from 2004-06.

➢ Member of Examination Committee from 2004-06.

➢ Have worked as the Deputy Superintendent of Pre-University Exams in 1999-2000 and 2004-05 and 2005-06.

➢ Have worked as the Deputy Superintendent of University Exams in 2004-05.

➢ Was the convenor of Sashakt from 2005-06 & 2006-07.

➢ Under this headship we organized self-defence training programme for girl students. Eminent speakers of the society were invited to address the students.

➢ Was the Chairperson of College Complainants Committee against sexual harassment for the year 2005-06, 2006-07. Under the leadership we organized lectures, debates, extempores, poster making, best out of waste and rangoli competitions.

➢ Presently I am a member of Environment committee, Garden Committee & NSS.

➢ Under the NSS headship, we organized a Diwali mela for the disabled, a blood donation camp, free thallasemia check up for the students, and no smoking campaign in the college.

➢ As a part of environment committee various films on environment & climate changes have been shown to the students, in addition to the lectures, debates etc, a day for Shram –daan- cleaning up the college lawns in observed.

Cultural/extra curricular activities

➢ Organised various competitions viz. Poster making, debates, extempore, logo and slogan writing. rangoli, science quiz, JAM, biophilately, flower arrqngement, salad making, etc. for the students.

➢ Organisation a function to observe the World Environment Day.

➢ Have judged various competitions like rangoli, poster making, extempore, JAM, logo and slogan writing, quizetc. within the College as well as outside the College as an invitee to various Colleges.

Sports/Community and Extension Services

➢ Organised a street cleaning and hygeine awareness programme to general public with student members of Environment Awareness Club in 2003.

Administrative assignments

➢ Have been involved in purchasing and maintaining plant material, chemicals, glassware, books and instruments for the Botany Laboratory and Museum.

➢ Involved in stock maintenance of Botany Laboratory and Museum.

➢ Worked for admission of students in B.Sc. honours and General Courses.

➢ Involved in conducting House Examinations and University examinations of the College and IGNOU.

Chromosomal aberrations

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