User:ASnieckus/My sandbox

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Links box

quotation templates

The biggest available quote marks.


The smallest available quote marks.

20px quote marks is not an option.

Default size quote marks--35px.

wp says for small quotes, consider setting wide=yes

hmmmm, why would we want this? wouldn't it be better if the text were centered?

silver background

FFC (light yellow) background

first header

something here about something.



testing header

wonder if title in template will serve as a header and include an edit link

quiz cloze

Icon qmark.gif
  • The
    is the largest mammal.
  • is the first letter of the Roman alphabet.

quiz multiple choice

Icon qmark.gif
A Multiple Choice Quiz
  • Question 1
  • Question 2


quiz tags

Point added for a correct answer:  
Points for a wrong answer:
Ignore the questions' coefficients:

1. What is 10 times 10?

→ The term "times" means to multiply: 10x10.

Your score is 0 / 0


Testing signature -- preference changed to plain wikitext, no link --Alison Snieckus 19:17, 25 July 2010 (UTC) (so that's why some users don't have a linked signature!)

Wondering about how the upload image function works. If I access it via an image link on my page, will the dest filename be the name I provided?


Yup, the name in the dest file is the name I put in the image prop dialog box.

/My booklist

An example category map -- too hard to draw (but want to save it now that I've made the effort.

      Category:Tutorials                               Category:WikiEducator             Category:Wikis
              [math]\searrow[/math]                             [math]\swarrow[/math]                              [math]\swarrow[/math]                 [math]\searrow[/math]
                         Category:WikiEducator tutorials       Category:Wikis what is a wiki  Category:Wikis creating an account                      
                                        [math]\swarrow[/math]         [math]\searrow[/math] [math]\swarrow[/math]                                 [math]\swarrow[/math]  
      Category:WikiEducator what is a wiki          Category:WikiEducator creating an account

Use Template:citations to get the following:


Formatting citations

80px-Wikineighbour V2.png

To insure that a reader can reliably track down the specific book or article you intended, it is useful to provide the following information:

  • Author(s) (last name followed by first initials; secondary authors: initials followed by last name); year; Book title or article title; publisher (for books) or Periodical title (for articles); volume and page numbers (both for articles)

Formatted examples:

  • Brown, M.W. and C. Hurd. 1947. Goodnight Moon. Harper.
  • Bentley, W.A. 1905. Studies of raindrops and raindrop phenomena. Monthly weather review. 32. 450

Once changes have been made, delete the following text: {{citations}}

Icon qmark.gif

Follow Along

Take four steps to the left

Take four steps to the right

Do the hokey pokey and turn yourself about

[]Icon activity.jpg Activity
I'd like for part of the content to be collapsible--that is, the answers. Not the whole thing. Hmmmm.

See The Learning Design Project
for more information.

Learning-design.png Learning Design for ASnieckus/My sandbox

Start Learning Design
Status: Start Learning Design 25percent.png
Start Content Design
Status: Start Content Design & Development 25percent.png

Wondering about using LaTeX format for creating an arrow for use in computer command instructions. Here's an example:

Choose Insert


Inserting an image:


So how does the text flow around the image. A right justified thumbnail image would leave lots of space on the left for words to occupy if there were some. So her's some words to see if they move itno the allotted space. Hopefylly thiese are enough words.

Worked right as I expected.