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I like the idea of Liquid Threads, it makes it easy to follow, and contribute to, a specific discussion topic.

Linda (talk)10:45, 19 October 2007

I share the same opinion as Linda. Liquid Threads simplify the communication and encourage "virtual talking"

Mbjohnson (talk)15:56, 6 June 2008

Yeah, me too. It's easy to post new discussion threads. But I would also like to develop together with our school's Computer teachers a website for our school which we could also use for posting our online lessons or modules or which we could make into a virtual learning environment. I need trainings on developing a software for teaching Philippine Geography, History and Government for online classes using Moodle or maybe Blackboard or other platforms for e-learning.

Cecille2274 (talk)22:28, 18 June 2009

Liquid threads are a great way of communicating in an environment to build up content through consensus. The ideas of all participants are available for comment, and new discussions can easily be made from existing treads. The threads are easy to follow and it is very easy to stay on topic.

Hylton (talk)09:19, 5 November 2009