User talk:Hylton

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Introducing myself007:13, 4 January 2010
Photos010:35, 5 November 2009

Introducing myself

My name is Hylton Ferreira. A born Namibian, currently living in Vancouver, Canada. My areas of expertise includes 17 years of Project Management and Key Account Management experience, specifically in the Energy and Telecommunication industries. Other areas of expertise include, Customer Relationship Management, Proposal Development and Contract Management, Risk Analysis and Forecasting, Market Research, New Business Development. I have not managed to land a position in my area of expertise yet. I am currently employed as a Inventory Managemant Associate with Home Depot Canada. I am smitten by new developments in technology and want to become part of this new wave called Wiki Educator. I hope to gain all the knowledge and skills from this training to be fully operational in WikiEducator.

Kind regards, Hylton Ferreira

Hylton (talk)20:14, 27 October 2009

I'm struggling to upload a photo of myself into box(right top corner) and into my photo page as well...don't know what I am missing...need some help!

Regards, hylton --Hylton 08:19, 4 November 2009 (UTC)

Hylton (talk)21:19, 4 November 2009