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Edited by another user.
Last edit: 17:57, 16 September 2009

thats great

Comments for Human Interactions policy: Problem solving method: Initial contact is to be between the parent and teacher concerned to discuss the problem. If the issue is not resolved in this way, the matter is referred to the Principal. If resolution is still not reached, the matter is formally referred to the Board.

Rpearson (talk)19:54, 14 September 2009

It does llok good Rebecca! Wendy Russell

Wrussell (talk)19:57, 14 September 2009


Rpearson (talk)19:58, 14 September 2009

It does look good Rebecca! Wendy Russell

Wrussell (talk)19:58, 14 September 2009

I think we could also do with some kind of flow chart as well

Rekrapenator (talk)21:52, 16 September 2009