Hope you have changed my name

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Dear Mrs Patricia . I'm Markos Awdalla. I find that my 1st name written in wrong letter itwritten like this Marcos, but the right name is Markos.

My best regards. Markos

Markos.awdalla (talk)04:20, 29 February 2008

Hi Marcos,

I will correct the spelling of your name. Apologies. Warm regards, Patricia

Pschlicht (talk)11:55, 1 March 2008

Dear Patricia.
Thank you for your concern about correction of my name. I would like to know what I should do right now as the workshop had ended. should i wait to the next one then start again to edit my page, or keep working.

Also I have another question about template boxes I had add boxex, but it did not apper under my info box like you add. would you how will add to me or should I wirte it in info box. hope I get reply from you on my tlak and my e-mail

My best regards.
--Markos.awdalla 05:26, 8 March 2008 (UTC)

Markos.awdalla (talk)17:26, 8 March 2008

Hi Markos,

Yes, I have changed your name in our lists. Thanks, Patricia

Pschlicht (talk)05:12, 12 March 2008