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(Comment.gif: Welcome back, Marcos. Good to have you with us. Hope the move went well. With a little bit more work, we will be able to upgrade you. See here WikiMaster Warm regards, Patricia)

Date & Time : 22, December 2024 01:55

Road Works.svg Work in progress, expect frequent changes. Help and feedback is welcome. See discussion page. Road Works.svg
Contact-new.svg Markos Awdalla
N1034818920 3395.jpg
Employer:Primary school
Occupation:Staff Trainer & Education Specialist
Certificate orange.svg
This user was certified a Wiki Apprentice Level 2 by Mackiwg .
Hammer and spanner.svg This user is a Learning Designer who assists with the instructional design of free content projects.
This user is a WikiNeighbour
for WikiEducator.

Presenting myself

I would like to present my self to you. My name is Markos Awdalla
I'm in Montreal, Canada.I'm interesting of Education Technology Write to me at any time
You can read more information at my résumé


Egyptian Government Primary School, Shibin El Kom (El-Shahed El-Gendy) May 20th, 2002 to Aug.2008
Research and Technology Specialist (Specialist of Education Technology): responsible for producing educational media for the class room (i.e., Power Point presentations, recording video tapes from satellite - educational programs, over head slides); computer and internet research for the instructors.
•Working on Intel learn Program as a staff trainer from Oct 7th to present. after I have a training course on this project on Sep 24th - 28th 2006, this program focus on training students to learn as a team work not be receiver for each information given by teacher, also the need to be effect to explore the new programs and try to make a task with out help from any instructor then after several times I can help them to make it clear. There is more information about this program on this site
•On Thursday Jan. 11th 2007 El-Messa Egyptian News paper had wrote about a celebration on my town Shibin El-Kom about this program Intel Learn and I was one of trainers honored by Meonifya Governor as we were the best 15th trainers on this program at Menoifya.

Copy of Arabic news paper and my students photos

My students photos.

Two of my students Three of my students
Intel 20-12 S1.jpg Intel 20-12 S2.jpg


•IT Registration Help desk clerk. First Regional Conference on CYBERCRIME, Egypt. 26th-27th Nov.2007 26th -27th November 2007. Organized by The Egyptian Association For Prevention of Information and Internet Crimes.

•Presented a Case Study about the ICT usage ( Intel Learn Program) The 6th International Internet Education Conference, The Human and Technology Development Foundation (H.D.F), Cairo, Egypt September .2nd -4th 2007 you can download my paper from this like Download my Paper, I will try to write some of my paper that I had presented

•Participant, 1st International Conference about ICT usage in Pre-University Education, Egyptian Ministry of Education, Cairo, Egypt 22nd -24th April 2007.

My Photos



I feel Prouded of

  • Talking with three languages.
  • Have a 6 years work expires with Education Technology.
  • Joined two International conferences about Education technology.
  • Have a case study had been presented in International conference.
  • Plan to make a Master in Education Technology.


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Big Bin

To Do List

  • Try to keep calm.
  • Keep in touch with my friends.
  • Forget my Weakness.
  • Work individual

Lesson On-line


My sandbox
Office Suite
Word Processor
Spread Sheets

Usage of ICT to make an Interactive Learn (Part of my paper Case Study about Intel Learn)

Some photos of my Summer students.

I will try to write some of my paper that I had presented on 6th educational conference in Cairo, Egypt Sep.07

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Case Study
today we are using new technology in all over type of life. Like modern communication, video conference, Internet and the new invention is mobile conference. I think we need to have a look in how we can use this technology in education this is why!! So we can have generations able to use technology they have many skills more than us to deal with technology. All we can do think how we can use technology and new generation skills to make a good band. So we can use them in future. In the few papers I will try to explore my case study there is a chance to see what other do about education technology.

We can not think with out ICT we are use these technology every day and every moment. How we can use it in Education, how much it will cost? We know that ICT is a very expense; there are new inventions every moment. At the first of my paper I will try to explore shortly what UK, Mexico and Korea done. To be up to date of usage ICT in Education. This is what was on The First International conference ICT in pre-University Education held in Cairo April 22nd – 24th, 2007

After that I will explain my experiment about usage of ICT in my school and how my students work with ICT to make projects thought Intel Learn Program. Students have chance to work in a team work and think together to find a salutation to any problem so they can work for their local society.

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On this presented research I will try to assessment the interactive learning program Intel Learn from the point of view of mine. It is intended for the age ranging from 8 to 16 years old and it is applied in nine countries in the world; among them Egypt. The following link can be viewed for more information Intel Learn Program

The main objective of this program is to train and change the method of education from the traditional method to the interactive one. Complete change in the method of education through Team Work spirit in learning. Through this program a group of students will be asked to carry out a common project to improve communication skills among them, to abandon singularity in work and this is what we actually looking for at our developed countries. I benefited from this program or in other words this workshop in my school to apply the methods on students. The income level of students was useful since the student's environment is considered one of the non-rich ones in Shebin El Kom; this means that those students have no ability to have computer at home. Students were so happy when they knew that this program consists of 15 days of work where in the first ten days groups consisting of two students only are constituted. The final five days constitute the final project.


Hello Marcos,
You have worked a lot on your page it is very impressive. I am still trying Nadia (Comment.gif: Hi Marcos-- welcome to WE -- I am very impressed with your work done here. I have made a few comments for you below (in green), which you can delete after reading. Thanks --Victor Mensah)

  1. It looks as if you are trying to put your CV on the page. While the photoes, etc, are helpfull on this page, it may be advicable to up load your CV in a .pdf or other open source format (not .doc)
  2. Alternatively, if you intend to put your CV in full view mode, you may want to try an inward link (using the double [ or ] and enclosing your title (example "My CV") with an "/" before and after".

All the best.

(Comment.gif: Hi Markos, your page looks great, you obviously have more time than I do! Keep it up. Janet)

--Markos.awdalla 19:42, 5 March 2008 (UTC)