2. How well were you oriented/trainied to use the wiki platform?
Kindly state a rate between 1 - 10 with 1 being the the lowest level of orientation and 10 being well trained. After that, give your brief comments.
Orientation was very well done. Except some of us we missed out as we could not be there at a time the orientation was in progress. I will give 7
9- I think I was guided when I had challenges. nine points is that each time a discussion is introduced we have to move to a new page and somtime we loose the discussion.
Oops, commented on the orientation period already. Well for orientation i rate 7.Facilitators did very well and committed their time, but i think it was taken for granted that everybody will follow through within the the required time( 15-20mins a day). At times, demands of work and other distractions prevented partcipants from finishing the daily assignements, so before you get to master a daily assignment, a new addition is given the next day, this affected the level of understanding on how to use the wikiplatform.