Tertiary teaching in New Zealand/Educational culture in New Zealand/Where have we come from?/NZ Tertiary education

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New Zealand tertiary education

As in other developed countries, eLearning plays an important role in New Zealand tertiary institutions - but this is not the whole story. Face to face teaching and practical experience still play a major part in most NZ tertiary programmes. Many teachers use a blended approach, with activities appropriate to the learners, the content of the material, and the context in which the learning is being done. We will examine blended learning in more detail in later units.

The New Zealand tertiary sector covers private training establishments (PTEs), institutes of technology and polytechnics (ITPs), wananga, universities and workplace training.What is a wananga? Click here to find out.

These all deliver a variety of educational options, often in flexible ways to meet the needs of adult learners. The New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) acts as a quality assurance body and approves all qualifications for the above institutions, apart from universities.Click here to find out more about NZQA.

The NZ Government's agency which manages funding for tertiary providers is called the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC). Click here to find out what it does.

Tertiary education providers offer courses which range from transition (school to work) programmes, through to postgraduate study and research. There are no fixed divisions between the types of courses offered by each sort of provider. The focus is on their ability to offer education to the required quality standards, rather than based on their type.

Higher, degree-level education is mainly offered at universities. Programmes are research-led and generally academic, as distinct from vocational. Vocational degree level education is offered at ITPs, wänanga and a few larger PTEs. Such degrees tend to be specific and applied. PTEs’ programmes are mostly in specific vocational niches at certificate and diploma level.

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Task: Use an Internet search tool to find a tertiary education provider which will meet the needs of three of the following students, and explain your choice for each one that you have chosen. Prepare this assignment in a text document (Microsoft Word or similar).

Word count: Approximately 200 words.

1. A young man aged 17 who wants to study Automotive Engineering under the Youth Guarantee Scheme. He lives in Dunedin.

2. A 31 year old mother of twins who has done 4 years' work experience as a business secretary but has no qualifications. She wants to get a Diploma in Business Administration but she is too busy at home to attend a fulltime course, so she wants to do it part-time or by distance education. She lives in Manukau City, South Auckland.

3. A 25 year old man who has worked on a fishing boat for 9 years, but now wants to become a Master of a deep-sea fishing vessel. He lives in Nelson.

4. An Occupational Therapist who is 45 years of age and works in the Westport district. Although this is in a rural area, she has excellent internet access. She wants to upgrade her qualification by studying at a postgraduate level to attain a PG Diploma in Occupational Health Practice.

5. A young lady straight out of school who really wants to travel. She thinks the best way to do this is to become a flight attendant with an international airline. She lives in Rotorua and her parents don't want her to leave home just yet.

Don't forget - pick three of the above. When you are ready, upload your document to the assignment tool in Moodle with your name in the file title.