Tertiary teaching in New Zealand/Study desk

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Review the Course guide for information about the course. We recommend you start your study by using the Topic links below.
Unit 1: Introductions
Topic 1 Who am I and where am I from? Moodle
Read the Course guide for information on all assignments. Moodle links not yet active.
Unit 2: Educational culture in New Zealand
Topic 2 Where have we come from? Moodle

Topic 3 What are we moving towards? Moodle

Topic 4 How do people learn? Moodle

Unit 3: Academic skills
Topic 5
What makes a great learner? Moodle

Topic 6
Academic writing Moodle

Unit 4: Blended learning
Topic 7
Why blended learning? Moodle

Topic 8
Introduction to eLearning tools Moodle

Topic 9
Introduction to open education practice Moodle