Talk:Multimedia Course

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Welcome to your Collabrative Multimedia Repository !

17,February 2025 21:32
Mission : Establishing the learning Multimedia Repository


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Seeking Suggestions and collabration913:52, 25 October 2011
Welcome to Multimedia Course012:28, 16 October 2011

Seeking Suggestions and collabration

Dear wikiuser, I am attempting content on the topic Multimedia. please suggest the following:

  1. Division of topics and subtopics.
  2. Topics which can be added and links for content
  3. How content should be presented?
  4. Any suggestion to make it better.

Wikieducator is a woderful Authoring platform. Collabration, content sharing, advice is the key. Please help this wikineighbour. The link is Multimedia Course -- Ravi limaye 00:13, 30 September 2011 (UTC)

Ravi limaye (talk)13:13, 30 September 2011

I think this would be appropriate i) introduction to multimedia design ii) applications iii) problems in multimedia information system design iv) solutions to these problems --Dr K G Bhole 16:01, 30 September 2011 (UTC)

Kbhole (talk)05:01, 1 October 2011

Thanks for the suggestions, I have changed the headings--Ravi limaye 16:36, 30 September 2011 (UTC)

Ravi limaye (talk)05:36, 1 October 2011

The design of the page is very nice. keep it up. I think these points will be appropriate i) introduction to multimedia design ii) applications iii) problems in multimedia information system design iv) solutions to these problems. --Dr K G Bhole 16:03, 30 September 2011 (UTC)

Kbhole (talk)05:03, 1 October 2011

Can you suggest some content resources also?--Ravi limaye 16:37, 30 September 2011 (UTC)

Ravi limaye (talk)05:37, 1 October 2011

Hi Ravi, Your initiative is highly appreciated! Carry on the wonderful work! - Anil Prasad 01:55, 6 October 2011 (UTC)

Anil Prasad (talk)14:55, 6 October 2011

Hi Ravi, Your initiative is highly appreciated! Carry on the wonderful work! - Anil Prasad 01:55, 6 October 2011 (UTC)

Anil Prasad (talk)14:55, 6 October 2011

You've got a great start! I look forward to seeing how this page develops. You might think of multimedia in terms of information flow: broadcast, receptive, interactive, connective, push!pull, etc.

Bnleez (talk)13:52, 25 October 2011

You've got a great start! I look forward to seeing how this page develops. You might think of multimedia in terms of information flow: broadcast, receptive, interactive, connective, push!pull, etc.

Bnleez (talk)13:52, 25 October 2011

You've got a great start! I look forward to seeing how this page develops. You might think of multimedia in terms of information flow: broadcast, receptive, interactive, connective, push!pull, etc.

Bnleez (talk)13:52, 25 October 2011

Welcome to Multimedia Course

Hello Everyone, The Multimedia Course is for developing an oganised Content repository for vaious aspects of Multimedia to enable a knowledge seeker to have content at a single place and allow experts to add relevant content to enrich the knowledge repository. --Ravi limaye 23:28, 15 October 2011 (UTC)

Ravi limaye (talk)12:28, 16 October 2011