Talk:Learning4Content/Workshops/Online schedule/eL4C37/Workshop schedule

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Please add your discussion activities here by either creating a new discussion thread or responding to an existing one

Warm wishes, Patricia

Pschlicht (talk)07:15, 28 April 2010

Thank you Patricia. I am now practising.

Regards, Monica

Monique (talk)04:29, 29 April 2010

See it isn't that difficult (;-))) Warm wishes --Patricia Schlicht 22:13, 29 April 2010 (UTC)

Pschlicht (talk)11:13, 30 April 2010

Hi Patricia: I am trying to practice; but find adding to other three colleagues' pages diffficult. Not sure why my comment on Deepak's page is appearing at the end on the page. Kindly help. Santosh

Santosh (talk)14:27, 1 May 2010

Hi Patricia, Iam enjoying practicing the WikiEducator platform. Inserting the bulleting list, number list and linking to external material. This is great.


Mutuzana (talk)00:59, 20 May 2010

Hi everybody

Wikipedia is great. Does Wikipedia allow multimedia content? I havent expolored but if you know, let me know.

Regards Yogesh

Nath y (talk)20:17, 30 April 2010