Talk:Ipyet/Creating an Enabling Environment - Youth Policy and Advocacy/test

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Indicators to promote youth entrepreneurship123:53, 14 January 2011
Creating an enabling environment for youth entrepreneurship: policy frameworks1023:24, 14 January 2011

Indicators to promote youth entrepreneurship

While we are still discussing policy issues - what do you feel are the key aspects that should be captured/reflect in a youth policy to enhance youth entrepreneurship?

Nmunala (talk)23:18, 14 January 2011

i think that credit initiatives must be simply explained to the youth, must be readily available through fliers or other material and the responsible organisations must be willing to listen to ideas that are being brought in by the youth.

Ktembo (talk)23:53, 14 January 2011

Creating an enabling environment for youth entrepreneurship: policy frameworks

I assume that you read through he materials that were posted on this subject. You may have observed that the materials emphasize the role that policy and structural frameworks play in supporting youth entrepreneurship, please make your comments whether you agree or disagree with this statement.

Nmunala (talk)22:42, 14 January 2011

I totally agree that policy and structural frameworks play in supporting youth entrepreneurship, with good policies in place, an enabling environment will contribute towards the development of youth entrepreneurs

Belinda (talk)22:48, 14 January 2011

Belinda, waht sort of policies are we talking about here? enlightenment please.

Ktembo (talk)22:55, 14 January 2011

Thanks KTembo for your query - Belinda can you please respond to Ktembo so that she can contribute to the discussion

Nmunala (talk)23:04, 14 January 2011

Nellie and Kangwa, am talking of policies such as good deliberate govt policies aimed at promoting youth entrepreneurship such as loans with good repayment conditions, lower taxes, an enabling political environment,etc

Belinda (talk)23:17, 14 January 2011

Thank you Belinda for providing examples to illustrate what a good policy is. Is it always that good written policies promote youth entrepreneurship? What else is needed to support policy frameworks?

Nmunala (talk)23:24, 14 January 2011

Thanks for your response Belinda, can you please elaborate on your point - do you have examples that can help us understand how policy frameworks etc have support youth entrepreneurshp in your community?

Nmunala (talk)23:01, 14 January 2011
Edited by another user.
Last edit: 23:10, 14 January 2011

If an enabling environment must be created, how do the frameworks work? with regards to Zambia, it doesn't look like CEEC is doing much for the youth. many have complained about the difficulty of receiving help from CEEC.

Ktembo (talk)22:52, 14 January 2011

Thanks for posing thoseimportant questions Ktembo. Can we reflect on the questions and explore how frameworks can work in the case of Zambia. Citing real examples of how these frameworks work will help us understand the value of policy and structural frameworks.

Nmunala (talk)23:13, 14 January 2011

Policy plays a very important role in developing and sustaining youth entrepreneurship. I strongly agree that governments must put in place a framework, and develop structures within which youth entrepreneurs will act --Susiku Nasinda 09:53, 14 January 2011 (UTC)

Susiku Nasinda (talk)22:53, 14 January 2011

Thanks for your contribution Susiku, do you feel that it is only Governments that have a role to play in putting frameworks in place? who else does have a role to play?

Nmunala (talk)23:07, 14 January 2011