Talk:Deforestation/Global Warming/Teacher Notes

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Carbon Cycle419:59, 29 September 2009
Objectives.109:05, 29 September 2009
Hybrid cars activity005:19, 29 September 2009

Carbon Cycle

In the learner notes is says that the teacher will provide an article and diagram - we need to provide this here? I have a diagram in Google docs, will check that for rights but is there anything else content wise we can add? e.g.

Hmlamond (talk)05:30, 29 September 2009 This link is on the page towards the bottom. May need to check permission though

Whaeatina (talk)06:37, 29 September 2009

Hi H, Can you check the epa sites for rights. I can't find it. I think the reading currently are above our target audience and would like to swap them for the epa ones. Makes the content more about global warming. I will rework the activity a bit more


Whaeatina (talk)09:32, 29 September 2009

Sorry Tina - now i'm confused ;-) which are the epa sites? I've checked the rights for and it should be fine. Must provide citation details but ok for non-profit/educational purposes. Will try and track down which ones epa refers to...

Hmlamond (talk)19:48, 29 September 2009

OK - found them. We are fine to link to the EPA pages, not sure about copying content. Might be safer seeing this is the teacher notes page to just link to it and instruct teacher as such.

Hmlamond (talk)19:59, 29 September 2009


Hi there,

The teaching objectives and learner objectives are not present or aligned.

Tina, please will you have a look at this. I'm that this module is too sparse and there are even more sparse teacher notes. Tina, what is your opinion on this?

Thanks. Leigh (talk)20:17, 28 September 2009

I think it has valuable activities in it and was always going to be less in content sandwiched between to merged modules. I, as always, will go with consensus. Happy to create some content to make less sparse. i don't want to spend time on it if we are going to get rid of it. If we could get some consensus it would help me to know what to do with this module i.e. should i invest time or not here I would love some help on the teaching and learner objectives so I could focus on aligning activities in the meantime and getting all the instructions in place T

Whaeatina (talk)09:05, 29 September 2009

Hybrid cars activity

THere seems to be an extra activity in here that is not in the learner notes? The questions on hybrid cars.

Hmlamond (talk)05:19, 29 September 2009