Welcome to Report Writing Formatting Guide
Information for formatting reports, projects, and coursework is presented in this guide. This information includes: (1) page numbering; (2) headers and footers; (3) page breaks and section breaks; (4) table of contents. The guide is designed for use as a supplement to format pre-written reports so as to make it more readable and presentable.
LESSON: Report Writing Formatting Guide
- To insert page numbers
- To insert headers and footers
- To use section and page breaks
- To generate a table of contents automatically
The user is expected to be familiar with the Microsoft Word 2003 environment.
- To insert page numbers
- To insert page numbers in roman letters
- To insert header
- to insert footer
- To insert page break
- To insert section break
- To generate a table of contents
At the end of the practical session, you should be able to:
- To insert page numbers
- To insert headers and footers
- To use section and page breaks
- To generate a table of contents automatically