Report Writing Formatting Guide/Header

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Page Headers & Footers

Headers and footers allow you to have similar information, such as page numbers or document titles, repeated at the top or bottom of every page. For example, you can put the projects name as the header. The footer at the bottom of each page can shows the author's name for the document and the page numbers in the document.

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STEPS: Adding Headers & Footers

  1. From the View menu select Header and Footer.
    A blank header and footer will be added to the page and the Header and Footer toolbar will appear.(See Figure 1)
  2. Make sure your insertion point is at the left of the page header.
  3. Type Microsoft Word 2003.(See Figure 2)
  4. Click the Switch Between Header and Footer icon on the toolbar.
    You will be taken to the footer at the bottom of the page. (See Figure 3)
  5. Type Prepared by: followed by your name