DECP 05: e-Content Creation
Technology Analysis
With the use of technology, the content’s role can be extended beyond books and class room. This use of technology virtually gives the students access to the teachers and community at all times where they can ask and receive answers to their questions without having to speak in front of large group. It also makes possible for the students to access lectures, demonstrations or discussions again and again when required, rather than being lied down to a fixed schedule. There are numerous multimedia programs designed to meet the special needs of diverse learning. Learner can spend as much time as needed on the computer without feeling pressured to keep up with other students. By utilizing such programs, a single teacher can employ many more resources and methods within one class room rather than teaching the information in one manner to all students.
In technology rich student- centered classrooms, following changes can be observed:
- There is shift from whole class to small group instruction.
- Coaching occurs rather than lecture and recitation.
- Teachers work with weaker students more often rather than focusing attention on brighter students.
- Students are more actively engaged.
- Students become more cooperative and less competitive.
- There is an integration of both visual and verbal thinking instead of the privacy of verbal thinking.
By integrating technology with constructivist methods, such as problem- based learning and project- based learning, teachers are more responsible for and active in the learning process.