Open Education Resource Portal for New Zealand Schools
A national project for reusable and portable content
Create a King's High School lesson plan
- Think of a descriptive, unique and catchy title for your lesson. For example: "Run for your Health" rather than "Health lesson" or "How to prevent eggcidents" rather than "Lesson on seatbelts". Avoid non-descriptive titles like "Lesson 1"
- Type the title of your lesson in the text box below. Please note the proposed style convention for capital and lower case letters. First letter Uppercase and the rest lower case. For example, "How to prevent eggcidents" not How to Prevent Eggcidents". Keep capitals where required, for example place names.
- Remember to write down the name of your lesson (case sensitive) so you can find your lesson page in the wiki.
- Click on the "Create a King's High School lesson plan", a new window will open. Follow the instructions on screen. Remember to click on the Save button before you finish.
Provide a brief summary of the lesson
Key terms
The key terms and concepts covered in this lesson are:
- List key concept here
- Add additional concepts as required
Unit title
Type your unit title here
Lesson title
Curriculum strand, objectives and level
- Type the curriculum strand here
- State the level here
- List the objectives of this lesson here
- Next objective ...
Learning context
Describe the learning context here
Learning intentions
Describe the learning intentions here
Key Competencies
The key competencies for this lesson are:
- List competency here
- List competency here
- Add additional competencies as required
The educational values covered in this lesson include:
- List value here
- List value here
- Add additional values as required
Success criteria
The lesson is successful when:
- List success criterion
- List success criterion
- Add additional success criteria as required
Lesson sequence
Describe the starter activities planned for the lesson here'
Describe the lesson sequence and activities planned for the body of the lesson
Describe the activities for the class designed to practice new knowledge and conclude the lesson
The following resources support this lesson:
- List resources here
- List resources here
- Add additional resources as required
Assessment and/or homework
List, describe and link assessment activities and homework planned for the lesson