Functional descriptions

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Design Principles

Design should be driven by information architecture, with aesthetics enhancing information architecture. Info architecture(s) should address new and existing members.

Iterations should concentrate first on info architecture and design enhances that architecture.

About these descriptions

The following descriptions are "User stories" which are descriptions of the functions of the technology that we will deploy.

We'll attempt to create these descriptions without using lots of technical jargon

First priority is administrator support area:


See: MITE/Roles

Functional Overview

Migrating resource files to Drupal


Migrate selected content from current site. Start with Support and Professional Development.

Estimated time to completion

Estimated time to completion: 50 hours


This is scheduled for: Iteration One

Support Resources

What are "implementation plan templates"?

This is a customized orientation and implementation plan to guide administrators in using/integrating NROC throughout their institution(s).

Marketing/membership team fills out fields in dialogue with client, then creates a plan to help systematically deliver content and support for rolling out NROC/HippoCampus.

MITE Team facilitates premium member administrators to implement the plan and share resources/exemplars/lessons learned with each other.

Terri and Dani are primary contacts with members: the whole MITE team to provide support based on members' needs.

Needed Functionality

Ruth hopes to create forms as online templates that users fill out, or that MITE fills out in dialogue with clients/customers

Institutional page: A one-stop place for all of their resource needs: space where institution's plan (which includes contact information, type of use, CMS, purpose of using NROC, etc., information about resources for institution, etc. live.

This "space" could also allow members to "share" (expose) some objects that are posted to their one-stop workspace.

User:JLopez has shared a set of templates used to create member profiles currently.

Discussion with Dani on NROC support site needs as it relates to IPT

  • Even if we took everything we had today, moved it to a CMS, and made it more "intuitive" that would be an improvement
  • Dani defines improvement in terms of findability, and making it easier to update and organize etc the content
  • Mission is to empower users. Network site needs to facilitate this mission.
  • Facilitate member to member support.
  • Randy: Members can self identify, but you may not want to completely automate. Randy, also suggests that there could be a feedback mechanism when users try to create relationship (not sure what this mean Randy-- Ruth).
  • Randy: A webinar could be built around the Implementation process.
  • Member Profile tool – searchable and editable by Members. Member = organization rather than individual, but would like to see same available for individuals as subset within each Member profile if possible.
  • Listserv regstrn (member-admin contact-specific, but access to general Membership listserv as well)
  • Topic-specific user group (ex: Moodle user group – discussion area, place to post files (wiki?), possibly its own listserv)

Sam's question: Is it possible, or plausible to create recommendation engine that is based on descriptions?

Dani: we need to be careful to make this something that is useful for users, and not overwhelming or too much communitication.

Idea: Recommendation could be request-based

Estimated time to completion

Estimated time to completion: 400 hours


This is scheduled for: Iteration One


Discussions are intended to start out as one discussion space, one large thread that can allow for break off into other topical threads. And, ultimately, the site can afford the creation of specific working groups where group spaces are needed.

This could be either forums married to listservs.

  • or*

Forums that send out email to notify of updates daily, weekly, etc and ask user to return back to the site to respond to the messages (guided by URL)

Users will opt-in to discussions upon sign up

Estimated time to completion

Estimated time to completion: 180 hours


This is scheduled for: Iteration one

Content creation with images

When content is created in Drupal site, images can be uploaded and included inline

Estimated time to completion

Estimated time to completion: 20 hours


This is scheduled for: Iteration 1

Call to action page

Suggested Ideas for this Page

  • WikiRandy suggests: Ask the question what was it that interested to you get to this stage?
  • Call to action (things suggested for members to participate in, learn, do)


Call to action page with form to complete “for more information” – email generated to

Estimated time to completion

Estimated time to completion: hours


This is scheduled for:

Register for newsletter


This is a Form: register for [non-member] newsletter to stay current on NROC project activities

Estimated time to completion

Estimated time to completion: 30 hours


This is scheduled for: Iteration One

Connect data to salesforce

Lists of Institutional Member Contacts (5) from Drupal shall be available to/for consumption by salesforce Need to check with Salesforce consultant to get more information about consumption format.

Estimated time to completion

Estimated time to completion:  ? hours


This is scheduled for: Iteration Two

Pipeline process

EMPOWER members

Members can send contributions in easy ways, and the transparent staging pipeline process helps

Stages of social publishing transparency

The editors may need a dashboard

stage one: people can propose types of contents into a staging area

stage two: you determine the degree of shareability

stage three: resources are developed to the point where they are widely re-usable

Stages are communicated via forum topic that users can follow, or an email alert from the activity.

Sharing Resources that are not resources from NROC

Starts with people stating what they need and what they have (both content and other resources)

"Member swap meet" people can share and swap resources in wants/needs kind. Clear distinction made between direct member to member shared resources and resources created and vetted through the NROC editorial process.

Sharing Exemplars

We want to collect (self-report or by interview) members stories, share online and in newsletters. Try to stimulate members to contribute their own exemplars and shared resources.

Items exposed/shared on institutional page can be flagged by MITE administrators for potential exemplar creation.

Working description of Implementation Plan Templates (IPT)

A flow-based set of forms that follows logic, and helps define roles for members. May be used with facilitators, or could be stand-alone.

Open Questions

What is the process exactly.

What is a "smee"?

Estimated time to completion

Estimated time to completion: Not yet determined


Which iteration is this scheduled for: Not yet determined (after iteration one)

This is scheduled for: Iteration One

Notes on itereation one

Notes for iteration one:

Forms described at are implementation plan template, which should be available along with fields

Fields that actually show up in the group:

1. name of member institution 2. web site of institution 3. logo of institution 4. brief description of institution (size, community served, mission) 5. City, State 6. Main contact: first, last, email, phone 7. Learning Management System(s) in use