Libre Knowledge and culture on WikiEducator
Knowledge for all, freedom to learn, towards collective wisdom
- Enabling communities to empower themselves with knowledge.
Libre Communities are communities which work with libre knowledge and other libre resources and share values similar to those of WikiEducator and those described in (for example) the Libre Communities Manifesto.
WikiEducator values
Diversity, freedom, innovation, transparency, equality, inclusivity, empowerment, human dignity, wellbeing and sustainability.
Libre community values
- the members and their diverse perspectives,
- the libre resources produced and
the associated freedoms (above),
- the ability of communities to
collaborate on managing the quality of shared resources, and the
- opportunity this freedom offers
for networked communities to make a difference collectively, towards a sustainable world.
This is a license compatibility chart when you want to combine or mix two CC licensed works. Created by Kennisland published under a CC0 license.
Libre communities release their efforts under licences compatible with the Libre Cultural Works definition
This content resource is a stub. Please help by adding more information.
(e.g. help by checking that the following have not changed their licensing policies, add more initiatives to the lists, and help structure the lists below into sensible sections)
Examples of libre communities
Working with libre knowledge and enabling people to exercise their freedom to learn and participate.
Pro-freedom[1] licences are copyleft, requiring that the freedoms be preserved in derived works (e.g. CC BY-SA).
Pro-choice[1] licences are libre licences which permit users to create (or mix them into) non-libre derivatives (e.g. CC BY).
The site shares knowledge and cultural works under various licences, some libre, some non-libre.
- - Free Software and Free Knowledge for a Free Society (Projects are released under their respective licenses; Except where otherwise noted, the rest is CC BY-SA).
Libre by name but sharing non-libre knowledge
- - although the knowledge concerns libre software, the knowledge shared is non-libre (CC BY-NC-SA).
The following lists mostly include libre resources (not checked in detail):
- The libre and open software communities around software with libre licences (regarding software as a form of knowledge)
- Hipatia - "promote freedom of (and free sharing of) knowledge, as is the right of all human beings to access, use, create, modify and distribute knowledge freely and openly; ..."
- Free software community
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Sites which permit any libre license (CC BY, CC BY-SA, CC0) are classified under pro-choice (pro-freedom and pro-choice is effectively pro-choice at least on the part of the co-authors).