Pre-workshop activity
Pre-Workshop Activity
- This 45-minute pre-workshop activity involves creating a WikiEducator account and profile with an introduction to you and your interests.
- Please review the Course Layout for this L4C workshop.
"Give a person a fish and you feed him/her for a day. Teach a person to fish and you feed him/her for a lifetime." -- Anonymous Chinese Proverb There are two (2) ways to easily create content on WikiEducator:
Open Office 2.4
(Recommended, but optional). Please install Open Office 2.4 (or later) on your computer. It is free and open software that is compatible with Windows. This free software is especially useful for folks who have limited or expensive access to the Internet. There is a feature in Open Office 2.4 that allows you to create documents, and directly export the content into a file, that is compatible with they codes used by WikiEducator. (Then, you would just copy and paste the text created, into your document). Visit: See the following tutorial on how to use Open Office with WikiEducator.
Learning Contract
- Please download and review Your Learning Contract for this workshop. Be sure to sign and date it. Then, email or Fax it to your Workshop Facilitator at +1 (604) 775-8210
Introductory Text
Prepare an introduction about yourself and include:
- About Me (i.e., your bio, including your geographic location, and institution)
- My Work Interests
- My Professional Development Interests
- My Educational Resources
You can do so in Open Office. This content will be the basis for your User Page on WikiEducator.
Account on WikiEducator
- Create your account directly on WikiEducator (WE) - see this 10 minute tutorial for instructions on how. (Note: your WE Account is separate from your Google Account)
- If you experience difficulty with creating an account on WikiEducator, please do the following:
- Start again - from the very beginning - a clean slate!
- Go to:
- Create an account on WikiEducator --- (You will need a WikiEducator account to create content on WikiEd)
- Your WikiEducator account is NOT THE SAME as your email account (even though you may use a similar User Name)
- Identify your preferred user name and password
- Write them down for safekeeping (you will need these later)
- Enter your preferred user name and password into the account creation box
- Click "Save"
- You will receive an Email from "Erik Moeller" <>
- Read the message- from ERIK MOELLER, "" Subject: WikiEducator e-mail address confirmation - "Someone, probably you, from IP address....has registered an account "XXXX" with this e-mail address on WikiEducator. To confirm that this account really does belong to you and activate e-mail features on WikiEducator, open the hyperlink (underlined) in your browser"
- If the Email is not in your Inbox, please check your Spam or Trash folder, because sometimes email messages are found there.
Set WikiEducator Account Preferences
- Email Your Facilitator: An important part of the wiki experience is collaboration - and knowing when your pages are changed and enhanced by someone else.
- Email Your Registered User Name & Password to your Facilitator -(s/he will review your WE settings). You can change your Password at the end of the course
- Wait until you hear from your Facilitator
Introductory Text (content)
- Your Facilitator will email you an URL of your User Page (i.e.,
- When you receive it, click "Edit This Page"
- Begin inserting your prepared Introductory Text onto your WE User Page - see this 10 minute tutorial for instructions how.
WikiAdmin Notifications
WikiAdmin notifications will help you develop dynamics and collaborative relationships with your peers, and WikiEducator.
When a page that you are watching is changed, you will automatically receive a WikiAdmin notification in your Email Inbox (i.e., Gmail, Yahoo, other). Please do take a look at the changes that have been made - when you click on the first link in the email, all changes will be in "red".
Further WikiAdmin Notifications
If you have modified your WE Account settings, you will receive an email from "WikiAdmin - WikiEducator page......" - when a page you have edited, or are watching has changed.
- Open the email - and view the hyperlinks
- See for all changes since your last visit.
- Click the blue link - and you will connect to this wiki page.
- You will see the "changes" in "red" --- these "changes" make up the page's 'history'
- Be sure to click the "History" tab at the top of the page, to see changes you, or anyone else has made.
- Follow the directions
Register Your User Name
- Go to the User Name EL4C22 page.
- Enter Your User Name and Real Name
- Click "Save"
- Notice that the your User Name is (and your peers' User Names are) automatically hyperlinked to your/their User Page
- Click their User Names, to learn more about the people and their interests.
To make things easier, your Facilitator will:
- add an Infobox to your User Page
- add a navigation template to the bottom of your User Page.
- be available throughout the course - by email, instant message and/or skype
WikiApprentice Certification
WikiEducator has developed an apprenticeship model for its wiki skills training. When you complete the tutorials for this workshop, you are entitled to receive a valuable WikiApprentice Certification in the WikiMaster Certification Framework |