Gaining Foundation Skills for Learning and Teaching/GFS Teaching/Facilitation Resources Module
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[hide]Teaching Resources
The most valuable teaching resource that you have is YOU!
Given imagination and creativity almost anything can be used as a teaching resource but there are some that are used more frequently than others.
Writing on the board
The first of these is the board
- (even the terms Whiteboard and Blackboard have different meanings in the current electronic era.)
I'm referring to a solid board to write on.
There are several key points that can help improve your use of using a Whiteboard as a learning aid in a physical classroom:
- write legibly and large enough for those at the back of the class to see;
- use this to support your teaching,i.e, making a point, highlighting key themes, demonstrate working, record a brainstorm (rather than writing lots of content to be copied),
- remember when writing on the board your back is to the learners;
- step aside when you have finished so that your learners can see the board;
- encourage learners to share in the use of the board where this is appropriate to the teaching context.
Check out the following websites for more great tips:
Online classrooms and the whiteboard
Using a whiteboard in an online classroom such as Adobe Connect requires a slightly different approach to that used when students are physically in the classroom. Promoting interaction is an important goal if you are to encourage students to participate and contribute their ideas. Send out preparatory material, e.g., readings, worksheets, questions etc., prior to the online session.
Tips for using the whiteboard online
- Use the initial session socially so students can get to know each other.
- Icebreakers are good for this. See Ice-Breaker Ideas.
- Prepare several whiteboards in advance so you can switch between them.
- Write instructions to remind participants how to do the audio setup wizard.
- List the objectives for the session and the order of events.
- Have instructions for each activity on different whiteboards - brainstorming, problem-solving and explanations can be done well on the whiteboard.
- Where possible get students to add ideas to the whiteboard - mindmapping, lists, words, sentences, images.
- Use breakout rooms to split a large number of students into groups.
- 5 minutes on each activity in groups is ideal.
- Then bring everyone back to the main room for sharing and discussion of the outcomes of the activity.
Another commonly used resource is PowerPoint displays
There are many ways to use use this effectively and some definite 'try to avoid points' or you could end up with 'boredom (or death) by powerpoint'.
- Less is more - use key points rather than lots of text.
- Use a large, legible font - 18 to 48 font.
- Be careful with use of colour - too much can be overwhelming.
- Clear images can convey ideas better than words.
- Remember to use material with open licences and to acknowledge your source.
- Search Creative Commons is the best place to find images.
Check out the these websites:
Ten Secrets For Using PowerPoint Effectively.
The tools you can use are only limited by your imagination (and your budget!)
Be creative