Dr. G.V. Gopal, Reader in Botany & I/c, Computer Application Lab,Regional Institute of Education, NCERT, Mysore
CURRENT POSITION Dr. G. V. Gopal is a teacher educator employed with National Council of Educational Research and Training(NCERT) ,New Delhi and is currently posted at Regional Institute of Education, Mysore, India as Reader in Education. AREAS OF EXPERTISE Botany, Science Education, Environmental Education, Medicinal Plants and ICT in Education MY INTERESTS
Now of course I am very much interested in wiki and will certainly contribute to wikieducator for realizing its mission "We're turning the digital divide into digital dividends using free content and open networks". I am very happy to be here. I am sure you too. MY ACHIEVEMENTS Research: Research Publications: 1. An account of the Ethnobotany of Saurashtra in Gujarat State by G.I. Shah, A.R. Menon and G.V. Gopal in J. Econ. Tax. Bot.,1981, pp. 173-178. 2. An Ethnobotanical Profile of Dangies by G.L. Shah and G.V. Gopal in J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 1982, pp. 355-359. 3. Is it a weed ? By G.V. Gopal in Ancient Science of Life, 1984, 4:144-15. 4. Some folklore medicines of Vasavas, Gujarat, India by G.L. Shah and G.V. Gopal in Acta Botanica Indica, 1986, 14:48-53. 5. Some folk-medicinal plants used for jaundice in Gujarat, India by G.V. Gopal and G.L. Shah in Jour. Res. Edu. Indi. Med. IV; 3-4 (1985): pp. 45-49. 6. Some ethnomedical drugs used by the tribes of North Gujarat by G.L. Shah and G.V. Gopal in Jour. Econ. Tax. Bot. 1985, 6:193-201. 7. Ethnobotanical – Lore of Gujarat State (India). Abstract ni International Conference on Traditional Medicine, Volume Paper is (yet to come) Abstract, January 23-25: Madras: C8-Hall-B, Ethnobotanical Research and Herbal Cosmetics. 8. A note on ethnomedical value of Coronopus didymus (L) J.e. Sh by G.V. Goal and K.S. Jagadish Chandra, 1986, Vol. 31, pp. 36-37, J. Uni. Mysore. 9. Ethnobotanical-lore of Gujarat (India) by G.V. Gopal and G.L. Shah, 14-16, 1987, (National Symposium on the Biology and Utility of Wild Plants). 10. “Grass-tree” by G.V. Gopal and A.K. Bastia in Biology Education, a UGC sponsored Journal on Higher Education, Number 3, Volume 5, 198:180-181. 11. "Kaunch-Beef" an ingredient of "Vita-Ex" its botany chemistry and folklore uses in Orissa by G.V. Gopal, J. Econ. Tax. Bot., Vol. 15, No. 3, 1991, pp. 667-682. 12. Uraria Picta Desv, A rare germplasm of potential medicinal value by G.V. Gopal and R. Mishra in Jour. Res. Edu. Ind. Med. Volume X: 3, ISSN 0970-7700 (1991), pp. 13-15. 13. Drugs their uses, abuse and impact on society by G.V. Gopal and Saswatirup in Biology Education, Volume 8, 2, 1991, ISSN, 0970-5961, pp. 101-109. 14. Pollen Morphology of Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L) OC by G.V. Gopal in Jour of Palynology, 30, 1994, 83-88. 15. Medicinal uses of various beads used in rosaries by G.V. Gopal and M.P. Sinha accepted for publication on 9.1.99, Jour. Econ. Tax. Bot. 1999, Jodhpur. 16. Ethnobotanical account of Adina cordifolia (Robx) Bth and H.K.F. ex. Brand, Kadamba, India in Jour. Med. Plants by G.V. Gopal and G.L. Shah, Dibrugarh, Assam, 1997 (communicated). 17. Ethnomycology of edible mushrooms of Orissa by M.P. Sinha and G.V. Gopal in the Journal of Ethnobotany, Ref. 94, 1995 (Paper under revision). 18. A relook to curricular sequences in the Environmental Studies (EVS) of Primary School Syllabus by G.V. Gopal (Abstract) published (full paper yet to come). 19. A stem-less plant by G.V. Gopal 1997, (communicated) to Biology School Science, NCERT Journal, New Delhi. 20. Medicinal uses of various beeds used in Rosaries in Jour. Tax. Econ. Bot. Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur-342007 JETB 12542. 21. Ethnobotanical account of Adina cordiforia (Roxb.). MKF. X. Brand. Kodamba, Gujarat, India. 22. Ethnobotany of Soligas of Biligirirangana Hills, Karnataka, India by G.V. Gopal and K.S. Jagadish Chandra, Univ. of Mysore, J. Econ. Tax. Bot., 2003. 23. Azolla pinnata R.Br. pteridophyte; Salvaniales (Azollaceae), in the Management of Lake Agro Eco System, by G.V. Gopal, Lake 2000 Symposium Volume (Abstract).hopal) Ph. D. Guidance: Guiding the following Ph.D Thesis 1. (R. Geetha) QUALIFICATIONS | EXPERIENCE | ICT COMPETENCIES Academic Consultancy: