DeAnza College/CIS2/Winter 2010
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Students @ Work - a student collaborative writing project. Help us by providing feedback on the Discussion page. |
CIS 2 Computers and the Internet in Society :: WINTER 2010
Students participate in collaborative writing through the use of this wiki. Their work on these assignments is published below.
Students' Guide to Group Work
...see Students' guide to group work - add your suggestions along with those from students in previous classes
Community service learning
Community service learning student guidelines - community partner organizations, service learning opportunities, project requirements, outlines required submissions - project information, service learning work proposal and reflection prompts
Great Technologies List
..see Great Technologies List - add your suggestions along with those from students in previous classes
Final Projects
Scenario: You work for Global Public Relations Inc. is your client.
You and your team are assigned to research and develop a wiki page outlining work on the WikiEducator global initiatives and provide examples of projects that are addressing the initiatives. These examples should include a range of projects by governments, non-profits and individuals that show work done and progress. Try to include examples can be adapted for use in other locations with similar needs.
Your team's work will be part of a worldwide promotion of the WikiEducator awareness program. Your page should be informative and interesting as well as factual. You are promoting the projects that are underway and encouraging others to see the value of the work and join in.
- - general information about WikiEducator
- - information about the host organization OER Foundation, and their initiatives to encourage participation and membership
Many WikiEducators are working on courses to address and resolve specific societal issues. Even if these are just proposals or course outlines, they are examples of how WikiEducator can play a role in addressing the underlying issues. Some general questions to think about... How can computers and the internet contribute to resolving societal issues? What is being done now? What is planned for the future? What can interested individuals do to help? WikiEducator is a collaborative community work in progress, so good ideas can eventually result in significant changes.
Include a section of Recommendations listing things that the client, can do to help promoting and recruiting - if these existed, your PR job would be easier.
Also, provide a Strategy section, outlining the assumptions you made for your presentation - audience, what they want to know. Describe your strategy for encouraging educators in your presentation. What was the thinking behind the presentation?
Global Public Relations Inc. management and the client will need to know how your project is progressing. Be sure to develop a timeline for your project work with deadlines, activities, responsibilities and deliverables. Update your project Status and Timeline section weekly for review.
Virtual Kick-off meeting
- Read the Final project description - Final Projects - Public Relations for client :
- Kick-off meeting - everyone is invited to participate in the virtual "client meeting" for the project. This will be held in the Catalyst discussion - Final Project discussion - Virtual Kick-off Meeting topic.
For the scenario project Public Relations for client :, there is a virtual project kick-off meeting. Representatives from the "client" and the "account reps" from your company are available to answer your questions and guide the discussion of how the PR project should progress.
- Scenario: You work for a public relations (PR) company - What are some examples of public relations companies? What does a public relations company do for their clients? What do the employees do?
- Client: - What is What public relations does WikiEducator have? What can a PR company do for them?
- Deliverable: A "presentation" in the wiki. What information about WikiEducator can be presented in a wiki? How will this address the public relations needs of the "client" - WikiEducator?
- Resources: What support and information will you need to great a great presentation for the client?
- Assumptions: Because this is a scenario, you will not have access to all the information that you might have in "real life" but you can make assumptions about the situation, so you can finish your project. What assumptions are you making? Is there any information that helped you make these assumptions? Will your project presentation depend in these assumptions?
Additional resources for Scenario-Based Learning
- Final Project Guidelines
- Collaboration and Group Projects
- Scenario Based Learning/Student orientation
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