Commonwealth Computer Navigator's Certificate/Milestone 3/SWOT analysis
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SWOT analysis
For each Module the following analysis needs to be described. These can be itemised using the criteria suggested below:
Questions to ask of each module's content
1. Accuracy: Is the information accurate? Sub-questions to ask yourself:
- Does the content contain any obvious biases, errors, or misleading omissions?
- Is the information current and up-to-date?
2.Level: Is the level of information appropriate for the intended audience? Sub-questions to ask yourself:
- Does the site contain information appropriate for the intended learners with respect to their characteristics and culture?
- Does the site contain any redundant and unsuitable vocabulary, language or concepts, bias, or stereotyping?
3. Clarity: Is the information presented logically, clearly and concisely? Sub-questions to ask yourself:
- Is the information arranged in a logical sequence?
- Is the information presented clearly?
- Is the information presented in a concise way, without lengthy explanations?
- Are key concepts and procedures clearly identified and adequately developed?
- Are clear links made between concepts and/or topics where necessary?
4. Redundancy: Does content have any redundant activities which do not relate to the objectives or are no longer required?
5. Completeness: Are the objective and topics fully covered by the content?
6. Interesting: Are the suggested activities challenging, interesting, and appealing for the intended learners?
Your answers to the above questions will help you with a summary of findings for each module. Your final summary can be defined under the following three headings for the module:
Design and development issues:
- The intended audience will be adult learners
- This will be a global product, but delivered initially in English (UK, US?)
- Source content will be developed in Wikieducator
- Media outputs will be developed for the 'content' following a design review
SWOT Analysis - Module reports
- Analysis of Module 1 - Concepts of IT
- Analysis of Module 2 - Using the computer and managing files
- Analysis of Module 3 - Word processing
- Analysis of Module 4 - Spreadsheets
- Analysis of Module 5 - Database
- Analysis of Module 6 - Presentation
- Analysis of Module 7 - Information and communication