Commonwealth Computer Navigator's Certificate/Milestone 3/Swot Module 5

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This analysis is based on the Open ICDL Module 5

Guidelines for the analysis can be found at Guidelines for SWOT Analysis of Open ICDL


  • Recognizes importance of describing tables, primary keys, indexes, etc. early in learning module.
  • Uses exercises to reinforce important concepts.
  • Excellent use of screen captures to explain concepts
  • the level of information seems appropriate for the adult student, though it could provide a more explanation of the concepts.


  • no examples or rationale to explains the why for database design
  • no visuals or screencast explaining complex subjects
  • more attention paid to different learning styles of; visual, auditory and kinesthetic
  • no anchor subject for database design examples
  • lack of depth when explaining design decisions of table design, key definition & table relations
  • lack of details of how to integrate database with other OpenOffice applications

Design and development issues

  • having an anchor subject as an example would further engage the learner
    • include forms and reports based on anchor subject
  • provide greater detail regarding the whys and hows of database design
  • include discussion with examples of database normalization
    • first, second and third normal forms
  • increase usage of diagrams and screen shots
  • have students engage in exercises sooner
  • make available and example database application