CCNC/CCNC Module 5/Data entry using forms/Basic Form Operations/The Form Wizard

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Tutorial.png Basic Form Operations 

Opening a Form | Using the Form wizard | Designing a Form | Saving a Form | Deleting a Form | Self Assessment | Summary & FAQs

Using the Forms Wizard

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Upon completion of this tutorial the learner will be able to:
  • Create a new form using the forms wizard
  • Associate a database table and required fields with a new form
  • Add a subform to a form
  • Choose a form layout and style
  • Select a data entry mode
  • View the new form

Using the wizard to create a form

Figure 1. Forms Wizard

To create a form based on a table, first click on the forms icon on the left hand side. Then click on Use Wizard to Create Form. This will start the forms wizard, that will prompt a step-by-step building of a form.

Starting the wizard

Figure 2. Starting the wizard

Select the table you wish to base the form on by selecting it from the drop down box under Tables or queries. Next select the fields you want the form to contain by clicking on them and clicking on the > to move them across. If you want to select all fields click on the double arrow >> and this will move all the fields across. Click the Next button.

Choosing the table

Figure 3. Choosing a table

When choosing the table it is best to start with building forms for all the parent tables, and build forms for the child tables later. This is due to the parent-child tables represent the one-to-many relationships and will be represented in the form and subforms that are created when building forms.

Selecting the fields

Figure 4. Selecting the fields

When selecting the fields that will be available of the form only the fields that can be edited should be placed on the form. Fields that have values added automatically (like the autonumbered PK field) should not be put on the form to avoid incorrect values being entered.

Figure 5. Excluding the PK field(s)

Adding a subform

Figure 6. Adding a subform

In some situations a form will contain the database fields within a one-to-many relationship. This relationship will be put onto the form using a subform. A subform adds the many side of the relationship to the form. In the example provided, the "PhoneNumbers" table is being added as a subform to the People table. This is because People can have many Phone Numbers.

Selecting subform fields

Figure 7. Subform fields

Selecting the fields for the subform follows the same path as the fields for the form.

Selecting an arrangement

Figure 8. Starting the wizard

Choose the label placement and layout that you want and click Next.

Choosing a data entry mode

Figure 9. Data entry mode

A form can be used for data entry or to be just read-only. Setting the data entry mode allows three options;

  1. Create only
  2. Read Only
  3. Create Read and Update Only
  4. Read and Update Only

Choosing a style

Figure 10. Form Style

The color and style of a form can be set. It is useful to change the style to best suit the user group and their preferences. The style may set (or changed) after the users have had their first review of the new database system.

Naming the form

Figure 11. Naming the form

The form can be named. Providing a descriptive name can be beneficial as the number of forms increases. Well named forms aid in user, administrator and developer comprehension.

Complete the form

Figure 12. Done

Once the form is finished it is a good idea to test the form. As shown in the example the form shows a Person and all their Phone Numbers.

Test your knowledge

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The forms wizard


1. A data entry form can be read only?

Absolutely Correct!
Incorrect, a form can be set to read only. Click here to review the topic.

2. A form can include;

(a) A subform
Almost correct, A form can include all these items. Click here to review the topic.
(b) A colour
Almost correct, A form can include all these items. Click here to review the topic.
(c) Field borders
Almost correct, A form can include all these items. Click here to review the topic.
(d) An alignment
Almost correct, A form can include all these items. Click here to review the topic.
(e) All of the above
Absolutely correct!
(f) None of the above
Almost correct, A form can include all these items. Click here to review the topic.

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