Answer 4.1

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              Chemical Equilibria|Le Chatelier's Principle|Factors Affecting Chemical equilibria|
                      The Haber Process|The Contact Process|Equilibrium Constants Write expressions for Kc for each of the following:
  1. N2(g) + 3H2(g) <=> 2NH3(g)
  2. I2(s) <=> I2(g)
  3. I2(g) + H2(g) <=> 2HI(g)
  4. N2O4(g)<=> 2NO2(g)


                        2    1   3
           1. Kc = [NH3]/[N2][H2]

           2. Kc = [I2]

           3. Kc = [HI] /[I2][H2]
           4. Kc = [NO2]/[N2O4]