Competency based interview questions

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Presentation of Evidence
Overview / Introduction - Module 3
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Competency-based interviewing

  • You have developed a ‘competency’ when you can consistently apply your skills and knowledge to complete a particular task. It is the ability to use your skills and knowledge to ‘do something’.

  • Many employers use a competency-based interview, in which the questions are based entirely on gathering evidence of your competencies. The employer produces lists of competencies required for each job. The interview consists of a set of questions designed to find out whether you have the set of competencies required for the job. The set of competencies will be made up of ‘core’ competencies Key Skills/Employability skills AND some skills specific to the job.

  • Also, think about, and have an example of the following sorts of situations and scenarios:
    • A situation where you resolved conflict with a colleague
    • A time you worked to a tight deadline
    • The project or piece of work you are most proud of
    • A time when something went wrong and what you did to resolve it
    • An example that demonstrates good leadership skills
    • An example of working as a team to achieve a common goal

  • Interview questions will focus on past situations and your behaviour and performance in those situations. Questions are likely to start with:
    • Please give me an example when. . .
    • Please describe an occasion when
    • Tell me about a time when
    • Describe a situation where
    • What would you do if

  • When you give your answer or present your evidence, the interviewer will probe deeper and ask about the detail such as:
    • How exactly did you do that?
    • Tell me exactly what steps you took to resolve that
    • What was the basis for that decision

  • By investigating further the interviewer is trying to discover more about your skills as well as looking for clues which may suggest that you are exaggerating your part in the process.