Working with spreadsheets/Charts/Customising a chart

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Customising the look of a chart

Having created a chart, Excel provides many options for changing the way it looks.

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Please note: the following link will open in a new window/tab. When you have finished, simply close the window/tab and you'll return to this page.

  • Read pages 3 and 4 of the tutorial on Working with Charts

You might also like to check out the relevant sections of the video on page 2.

Let's apply this to our chart from the previous section:

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  1. Click on your chart: you should see the Chart Tools tab at the top of the screen. Click on the Design tab
  2. We are interested in the Chart Styles group: expand out the chart styles menu. Choose a style on the screen and click it. What happens to your chart?

We can change the layout of our chart too.

  1. Click on the chart, then on Chart Tools > Layout. The groups that we are interested in are the Labels group.
Chart Title
Allows you to make a heading for your chart
Axis Titles
Add titles to the horizontal and vertical axis of your chart
Displays a key on your chart telling your users which colours apply to the data in your sheet
Data Labels
Places small headings above columns in your chart
Data Table
Displays the chart source data underneath your chart.

We want to:

  • Remove the Legend
  • Add a title to our chart 'Temperatures
  • Add a title to the horizontal axis labelled Cities

  1. Click in the chart
  2. Click Chart Tools > Layout > Labels > Legend > None
  3. Click Chart Tools > Layout > Labels > Chart Title > Above Chart. Type in Temperatures for our heading.
  4. Click Chart Tools > Layout > Labels > Axis Titles > Primary Horizontal Axis Title > Title Below Axis. Type in Cities.
  5. Change the Chart style to something different. You can choose.
  6. Save your spreadsheet.


Can you spot the mistake?

Selecting a non-consecutive range

There are times where we cannot simply click-and-drag a range to use for our chart.

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We would like to create a chart that shows only sunshine hours for each city.

  1. Firstly, select the range A1:A7. This gives us the labels for our chart.


    (Let go of the mouse button, as you would normally.)
  2. Press and hold the Ctrl key on the keyboard – don’t let go.
  3. Select D1:D7. You will now have two highlighted columns on the screen.


  4. Let go of the Ctrl key but do not click inside the spreadsheet! If you do, you will lose your selections - if this happens, go back to step 1.
  5. Click on the Insert Tab and add a 2-D line chart


One of the things that we can see from this chart, is that as you go south from Auckland, sunshine hours tend to trend downward.

Save your spreadsheet.

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Please note: the following link will open in a new window/tab. When you have finished, simply close the window/tab and you'll return to this page.

  • Read page 5 of the tutorial on Working with Charts

You might also like to check out the relevant sections of the video on page 2.

Displaying a chart in its own sheet

Now let's apply what we have learned to the bookshop spreadsheet.

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Mr Mann would like to chart his monthly cash in hand to see if there are trends in his income.

  1. Open the bookshop spreadsheet. Highlight the headings for the months – A3:M3.
  2. Control-Left-Click and highlight the range A20:M20


  3. Insert a 2-D Line Chart.


As the chart is rather small to look at, we are going to display it in its own sheet.

  1. Right click on the chart border.
  2. From the drop down menu that appears, choose Move Chart.
  3. From the dialogue box that appears choose New Sheet.


You have:

  • Chosen data ranges to make a chart
  • Created two different types of chart
  • Customised a chart including colour, layout and titles
  • Moved a chart to its own sheet