Wikieducator tutorial/Pilot testing
The pilot offering, predominantly to COL staff, VUSSC Boot campers and international visitors will:
[hide]Welcome to visitors
A special welcome to all the visitors from different projects around the world who will be joining us with the pilot offering of the tutorials. Please take a look at the Instruction sheet we have sent out to COL staff. We look forward to your contributions in refining the tutorials while covering the basics of Wiki editing.
Dates and time commitments
- Total time commitment: between 4 - 5 notional learning hours
- Number of tutorials: There are eleven tutorials plus an optional tutorial on free content.
- Estimated time per tutorial: Participants would need about 15 to 20 minutes per tutorial.
- Technology requirements: Computer with Browser and Internet connection
- ICT skills requirement: Basic browsing skills. Wiki editing is very easy and accessible.
- Dates
- 10 Working days commencing 12 February 2007 to 23 February 2007 for COL staff
- 10 Working days commencing 19 February 2007 to 2 March for VUSSC participants.
Remember that the asynchronous design of the course will allow participants to progress according to their own work schedule. They can complete the tutorials in a single sitting or spread this out over the 10 days scheduled for the eLearning workshop.
Enrolling for the course
- Step 1: Read through the Getting started tutorial or download the pdf version of these instructions.
- Step 2: Enter the following url to register for the course:
Note: - This is a dynamic site and as the pilot testing progresses, the community will be improving and uploading content for the duration of the pilot (which is scheduled to continue until 23 Feb 2007).
Print instructions
Instructions for Newbie Tutorial Pilot - pdf file for download