Wikieducator tutorial

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Bewarned! Collaborative wiki editing can become addictive.

These are considered to be the essential requirements for a teacher/educator to be able to develop free content for education using wiki text (or markup).

The estimated time required for each Tutorial is 15 to 20 minutes. Total interaction time (excluding the practical lesson component should not exceed 3 learning hours for the 10 suggested tutorials).

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  • Wikipedia's Cheatsheet, which you can download for printing as a pdf file
  • Index
  • RTE Tutorials -- page for scoping reconfiguration of Newbie Tutorials for the Rich Editor.

Tutorial 1 - What is a wiki?

The eXe elp file for this tutorial content is available for download. 1WhatIsWiki.elp

Tutorial 2 - Creating an account on Wikieducator

Icon objectives.jpg Objectives
In this tutorial we will:
  • Point out the benefits and added features you get with a user account.
  • Provide step by step instructions
  • Guide you through a do-it-yourself activity
  • Conclude with a list of FAQs.

The following resources are available for download. eXe content package 2CreateAccount.elp

OpenOffice Presentation Create an Account 610KB

Tutorial 3 - Editing Basics

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In this tutorial we will:

  • Understand the difference between published mode and editing mode;
  • make your first edit on WikiEducator to your User page.

The eXe elp file for this tutorial content is available for download. 3EditingBasics.elp

Tutorial 4 - Basic Text Formatting

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In this tutorial we will:

  • Introduce Wiki Syntax
  • Learn how to Bold and Italicise text, and add Headings
  • Learn how to add bullets and lists

Tutorial 5 - New Pages and Links

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In this tutorial we will:

  • Provide an overview of the "networked" structure of a wiki
  • Demonstrate how to create a new page
  • Create internal and external links
  • Explain the difference between red and blue internal page links
  • Explain piped links

The eXe elp file for this tutorial content is available for download. PagesLinks.elp

Tutorial 6 - Images and Media

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In this tutorial we will:

  • introduce the syntax for adding images;
  • list the supported file types that can be uploaded into WikiEducator;
  • provide an overview of more detailed image formatting (framed, thumbs, captions, etc);
  • practice uploading images into our User pages;
  • provide some tips on where to find images.

The eXe elp file for this tutorial content is available for download. 6ImagesMedia.elp

Tutorial 7 - Collaborative Editing

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In this tutorial we will:
  • introduce the idea of Wiki ethics,
  • explore the Recent changes page,
  • and diff & history links,
  • learn how to Revert to previous versions

The eXe elp file for this tutorial content is available for download. 7CollaborativeEditing.elp

Tutorial 8 - Communication and Interaction

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In this tutorial we will:

  • learn how and why to use the Discussion or Talk pages,
  • discuss the my talk page,
  • and explore some useful features like the Watchlist, and the My Contributions link.

The eXe elp file for this tutorial content is available for download. 8Communication.elp

Tutorial 9 - Pedagogical Wiki Templates

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In this tutorial we will:
  • Explain the concept of using "iDevices" as sub-elements of an educational resource;
  • Revisit the template syntax;
  • View examples of pedagogical templates with corresponding tips.

Tutorial 10 - Thinking about Structure

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In this tutorial we will:
  • Explain the parent - child relationship for creating structured content;
  • Demonstrate the use of categories to assist with structuring and finding educational content in the wiki.

The eXe elp file for this tutorial content is available for download. 10ThinkingStructure.elp

Tutorial 11 - Navigation templates

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In this tutorial we will:
  • Show you how to create a navigation template for project and community nodes in WikiEducator;
  • Demonstrate the use of navigation templates for structured educational materials;
  • Introduce tools to improve the usability and sequencing of educational content that is hierarchically structured;
  • Provide tips for optimizing your content pages for printed output;

Tutorial 12 - What is free content?

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In this tutorial we will:
  • Define what we mean with the concept of "freedom" within the context of WikiEducator
  • Define what we understand under the concept of "free content"
  • Distinguish between free software and free content
  • Explore the licenses which meet the requirements of the free content definition

The eXe elp file for this tutorial content is available for download. FreeContent.elp

Tutorial 13 - Developing a teaching resource on WE

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In this tutorial we will:
  • Provide an overview of the process for developing a teaching resource in WikiEducator
  • Suggest types of resources for you to consider
  • Introduce the steps for creating your content page and listing the resource so that others can find it.

Tutorial 14 - Sourcing and using free images

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In this tutorial we will:
  • Identify sources of free images that can be used in WikiEducator
  • Demonstrate how to search for images with compatible free content licenses
  • Show you how to use WikiEducator's attribution templates
  • Cover the metadata requirements when uploading an image file

Tutorial 15 - Using support and development templates

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In this tutorial we will:
  • Introduce the wikieducator templates used to support content development in WikiEducator
  • Using the images needed template
  • Using the multimedia needed template
  • User role templates

Tutorial 16 - Implementing learning design

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In this tutorial we will:
  • provide an overview of learning design and quality assurance in WikiEducator
  • specify the requirements for a design plan
  • teach you how to use the design guide tool
  • teach you how to use the learning design templates

Tutorial 17 - Collaborative video help and sandbox

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The purpose of this tutorial is to:
  • introduce the concept of collaborative video editing
  • provide basic instructions on using the Kaltura collaborative video editing feature
  • introduce tips and ideas on using Kaltura in WikiEducator
  • host a gallery of exemplary examples of Kalturas used in WikiEducator

Tutorial 18 - Learning about Copyrights (WIP)

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The purpose of this tutorial is to:
  • introduce the different concepts of copyrights
  • provide basic instructions on how to use the licenses with a special emphasis on the two permitted licenses used in WikiEducator
  • introduce tips and ideas on the use of these licences in WikiEducator