Pedagogical templates

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On pedagogical templates

Helena Mill is a member of the eXe project team in New Zealand - a free software authoring tool that uses instructional devices.

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In this tutorial, we will look at the practice of including Pedagogical templates or iDevices in your WikiEducator content.

The idea of isolating the instructional devices (or iDevices) of learning content was a primary aspect of the eXe Project. eXe was developed around the idea of iDevices which included a range of pedagogical forms e.g. objectives, case studies, reading activities, etc. These constitute the equivalent of the teacher talk in content resources designed for online learning. The notion of iDevices was derived from the practice and experience of designing instructional texts for distance education, with modifications for contemporary digital technologies. iDevices are structural elements that describe learning content and distinguish teaching content from other forms of content like text books or journal articles.

A range of iDevice templates has been developed in WikiEducator. You can use these templates in your content. You may have noticed a couple of them already in these tutorials. One example is the above Media pedagogical template used in this page.

In the following sections we'll learn the basic syntax required for including these pedagogical templates inside your content and we'll take a look at examples of the iDevice templates available to you.