WikiEdProfessional eLearning Guidebook/Planning/Guidelines
This is essentially a cut and paste task from the source files. You can download a copy of the source files through our Moodle installation. You should follow the onscreen instructions register an account to get access to the files. The open content license is for the wiki version, and the pre-conversion source files are still under the copyright license for the print version of the e-learning guide - hence the requirement to login for a copy of the source files.
You will need:
- Source files for converting into the wiki version.
- Right click, save a copy of the Cheatsheet for iDevice templates and print out for easy reference.
- A copy of the print version for checking on text in italics and bold as well as the insertion points for the instructional devices. See: version
- A printed version of the instructions on this page - Use File>print from your browser.
- If you are new to wiki editing, please consult the basics of editing.
[hide]General guidelines
- Please register an account on WikiEducator and login each time you're working on your chapter. Use this help page for information on creating an account.
- The Chapter pages have been listed on the Home page for the e-Learning Guidbook. The link should be red, and you can click on the link to begin the working on the text for you chapter.
- Please check that you keep the italics and bold components of the text when copying over. Download and print a copy of the .pdf version. This is an easy way to check on the text in italics and bold in the original print version. Also, this will help you identify the where to insert the pedagogical templates for the instructional devices (Reflections, Talk to us, Objectives etc). See instructions on templates below.
Structure and syntax
- Each of the main sections of the Chapter must be created on a separate page. (see for example the sections of Chapter 1). Subections, must also be created on new pages. For example, see The flexibility that e-learning technology affords which is a subsection of the section Attributes of e-Learning in Chapter 1. The syntax that you should use for subpages is, assuming you are on the parent page of the child you want to create:
- [[/title_of_section_or_sub_section/|User friendly name goes here]] - see the Easy way of linking pages for additional explanations.
Instructional devices used in the wiki version of the guide
There are three instructional devices used in this guide for example: objectives, reflection and tell us a story. Mediawiki templates have been created for this purpose. You can use the following syntax:
- {{objectives|objective text goes here}} Note: For singular use "Objective"
This syntax will display as follows in the wiki:
- {{reflection|reflection text goes here}}
This syntax will display as follows in the wiki:
- {{definition|Definition text goes here}} Note: For plural use "Definitions
This syntax will display as follows in the wiki:
- {{case_study|Case study text goes here}}
This syntax will display as follows in the wiki:
- {Tell_us_a_story|Tell us a story text goes here}}
This syntax will display as follows in the wiki:
- {{discussion|Enter discussion text here}}
This syntax will display as follows in the wiki:
- {{web_resources|Text for web resources goes here}}
This syntax will display as follows in the wiki:
- {{key_points|Text for key points goes here}}
This syntax will display as follows in the wiki:
- {{self_assessment|Text for self assessemnt goes here}}
This syntax will display as follows in the wiki:
- {{assignment|Text for assignment goes here}}
This syntax will display as follows in the wiki:
- You can visit the help page for more information on the templates supported in WikiEducator.
Remember that if you get stuck, first View the example in Chapter 1 in edit mode to see what syntax was used. If you're still not sure what to do, please post a question on the discussion forum.