User talk:Pkumar 111

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  • Click herePDF down.png for a print version of these instructions (198KB).

Read this before creating any personal new page:

  • Use this syntax: [[/new personal page/]]. This will create a Sub Page under your User Page.
  • Some users choose to establish profile pages. If you choose to do so, please establish it by editing your user page, and simply adding this text: [[/My profile/]]. Don't forget to save! You can then link to and edit your profile.


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Welcome003:15, 26 January 2008
«no subject»022:41, 25 January 2008
Hi Friends222:36, 25 January 2008

Create your Wikieducator user page
Help us get to know you and your interests.

  • Type your user name after the colon:
  • Remember that your user name is case sensitive
  • A new window will open when you're done.
  • Click herePDF down.png for a print version of these instructions (198KB).

Read this before creating any personal new page:

  • Use this syntax: [[/new personal page/]]. This will create a Sub Page under your User Page.
  • Some users choose to establish profile pages. If you choose to do so, please establish it by editing your user page, and simply adding this text: [[/My profile/]]. Don't forget to save! You can then link to and edit your profile.
Missan (talk)03:15, 26 January 2008

«no subject»

This is parmod from School of humnities. I have a special liking for Literature of all kinds which relate me to the harsh realties of life. Please share something with me if you have some idea about that

Pkumar 111 (talk)22:41, 25 January 2008

Hi Friends

I am glad that i am able to share my views with you on the value of the refresher course on Distance education.

Pkumar 111 (talk)22:30, 25 January 2008

Good job. Keep it up. We will get many opportunities to share about DE.

Pankaj (talk)22:32, 25 January 2008

Thanks. it is gratifying to see such an electrifying responce

Pkumar 111 (talk)22:36, 25 January 2008