User talk:Bristle

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Greetings!006:28, 28 February 2009
How does it feel to be the member of a wiki Commiunity206:27, 28 February 2009
Nights sounds005:57, 28 February 2009


Hi Cliver Finlay,

Warm welcome to the WikiEducator family of educators and learners!

Anil Prasad 17:28, 27 February 2009 (UTC)

Anil Prasad (talk)06:28, 28 February 2009

How does it feel to be the member of a wiki Commiunity

For me its not new to have a web preasence or belonging to an online community but sharing in a wiki is quite new

Bristle (talk)04:59, 28 February 2009


Asha (talk)05:19, 28 February 2009

hello how's wiki's for u

Bristle (talk)06:27, 28 February 2009

Nights sounds

Can you help me identify this sound?

Icon multimedia.gif


This is an audacity recording of the evening sounds outside of the Flamboyant Hotel in St. Georges, Grenada.


Kruhly (talk)05:57, 28 February 2009