User:Yakvo simo

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Contact-new.svg Yakov
Employer:Ort Gutman High School
Certificate yellow.svg
This user was certified a Wiki Apprentice Level 1 by Nelliemuller .


(Comment.gif: Yakov, please add your profile so you can prepare it for the oral bagrut and your project. --Warm wishes, Nellie Deutsch 21:09, 16 December 2008 (UTC))


My photos

Writing Practice

Follow the writing course


Stress is a psychological word. Everyone can be suffering from stress; kids, teenagers and even adults. If you feel nervous, tense and you stay up at night worrying about something you are probably suffering from stress.


Martin Luther King


(Comment.gif: Record your project today!! Here is the information on how to do it.--Warm wishes, Nellie Deutsch 12:17, 26 December 2008 (UTC) )


Recording Your Project

  1. TipCam will record a video of your screen
    1. TipCam is a free and useful way to record a PDF file of your Bagrut project.
    2. Upload the TipCam file to BlipTV and add the URL of the embedded code to your Bagrut project.
  2. Generate a PDF file of your Bagrut Project on Wikieducator by going to your page, toolbox, download as PDF, and wait. You can then make a video recording of the screen (PDF) and print your project for the oral bagrut exam.
  3. Video Recording of How to Make a Video Recording of Your Bagrut Project using TipCam and uploaded on BlipTV