User:Vtaylor/OER adopt, reuse, remix

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online teaching and learning, adoption and reuse of learning objects, study guides and personal learning spaces

Online teaching and learning

  • teaching
  • facilitated, directed learning
  • scenario-based learning - projects, industry partnerships
  • connectivism - networks, personal learning
  • collaboration - content creation

Learning objects, PLE, Study guides

  • Open Educational Resources (OER) - learning objects, courseware, open textbooks
  • Personal Learning Environments (PLE) - student-centeric, learner-directed
  • study guides - scaffolding, framework, questions, exploration, possibilities, important core knowledge
  • assessment, accreditation

As open educational content is developing, so too are organizations that seek to organize, distribute and promote the content, the pedagogy and educational value.

Location and Adoption

learning objects / OERs are used "as is" - perfect enough

  • full course, as is - perfect enough, instructor/facilitator teaches the course but does not develop content - works well for new instructors or experienced instructors who are teaching course content that they know well enough to guide students. No requirements for instructional design skills and resources. Eliminates need for time consuming course development process, subject matter expertise, pedagogical considerations, reduce or eliminate considerable preparation costs.

  • course components - some course structure required, learning objects selected and used to provide/ augment teaching and learning. Adds interest, engagement, alternative presentation to engage more learning styles, encourage time on task, repetition of key lessons


  • planning - learning objectives, lesson or course outline
  • content requirements - selection criteria
  • repositories
  • trusted sources, recommendations
  • searches, selection - rating, reviews
  • develop framework - course management system, lesson template
  • weeding and pruning - include, extraneous, missing
  • modify, re-mix, create
  • use - feedback, critique
  • quality review
  • knowledge building, sharing

Case studies

Reuse, Remix

OER reuse/remix evaluation

reuse/remix rating is a scale of 1 - 5, where “1″ is extremely difficult or low value, and “5″ is extremely easy or high value, referring to the act of taking CC content and reusing or remixing it on a separate server. To produce these ratings I consider:
  • technical openness of media (e.g. Java applet vs Javascript)
  • quality of source
  • variety of media sources
  • semantic/standard structure (e.g. HTML tables vs semantically-correct XHTML; IMS)
  • CC license compatibility
  • hosted tools and support for remix

  • criteria from CCCOTC reviewers guidelines

Open Textbooks

Open Textbooks represent a subset of learning objects. They are usually available as a complete package that authoritatively addresses a broad spectrum of topics about a specific subject.

Most instructors are familiar with this form of learning object and the process for selecting, adopting and instructing with them.

  • intended audience is the student / learner
  • learning activities may be included - problems sets with or without solutions / answers
  • assumes that there will be instruction or facilitation
  • instructors guide may be available as a companion document

The instructor then has a firm foundation for the course. Students have a definitive authority for their knowledge acquisition. Institutions have some assurance that the material in the textbook is available to learners even if it is not explicitly taught by instructors or facilitators, providing some standardization and recognizable coverage of the material.

Open Textbooks

Mostly media

Because we think of internet-delivery of Open Educational Resources, audio, video, images and graphics in color as well as black and while images and text are readily available to augment educational materials and engage learners.

Evolution and revolution

It isn't clear how the current roadblocks to improving global education are going to be overcome - evolution or revolution.

  • evolution - learners and education providers will work collaborative to empower learners to learn whatever they want and/or need to learn without regard to geographical, political or academic gatekeeping / intervention. Information will be free to all. Credit may still requirement payment to an accreditation body, for services rendered (evaluation, assessment, facilitation...)
  • revolution - learners (and others) will abandon traditional educational models that are not serving their needs. The 8:00am lecture to 300 under-graduate students followed by a 3 hour examination methodology may become a thing of the past in many disciplines. It isn't effective and not the best use of anyone's time and money.

Learn more...

  • studies
  • proposals
  • training

Directories and repositories