User:Vtaylor/MOOCs/MOOCs 2018/Play

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‘A loved activity is play'

  • Exploring Play: the Importance of Play in Everyday Life Explore the nature and value of play through our lives, and across cultures and communities * indoor outdoor trish bike doll clothes neighbors * Play as complex adaptive system * play curiosity imagination exploration enjoyable self-directed personal choice * can be difficult serious * with/without others rules ? required directed * Can play be required? Would it still be play? I may be required to participate in a game, but is this play if I don't want to do it and I'm not having fun? * Peter Gray self-directed learning decline of play resume building fear less school self-directed learning responsibility adult support not judging mixed ages tools of culture - computer unlimited time stable community * The Ambiguity of Play (2001), Sutton-Smith * cultural geographic - ice skating and hockey (for boys) were "play" activities when possible * The Material Child

  • 2.4 Searching for Slinky - my toy of interest, I discovered the National Toy Hall of Fame It is always fun to know the back story - the inventor observing an accident and turning it into a fascinating toy that sold millions. And a great introduction to engineering, physics, material science. Although Slinky didn't provide much creative play, it is still a pleasure to watch the graceful movement as it walks down stairs on its own.
  • National Toy Hall of Fame Selection Criteria This is a really nice description of the characteristics of great toys. * Icon-status: The toy is widely recognized, respected, and remembered. * Longevity: The toy is more than a passing fad and has enjoyed popularity over multiple generations. * Discovery: The toy fosters learning, creativity, or discovery through play. * Innovation: The toy profoundly changed play or toy design. A toy may be inducted on the basis of this criterion without necessarily having met all of the first three.