MOOCs 2011 * MOOCs 2012 * MOOCs 2013 * MOOCs 2014 * MOOCs 2015 * MOOCs 2016 * MOOCs 2017 * MOOCs 2018 . k-8 mini-mooc
2021.10.18 How Virtual Reality Can Transform Your Classroom by Empowering Educators and Inspiring Students . veative curriculum . vimeo download . airpano . youtube 360 video . flikr 360 images . eaguarectangluar . mobile device management thinkreality .. create . uptale . free webxr standard code remix . mozilla hubs spoke . groups immersivelearning vrineducation . steamstore free . nyt daily 360 .
2021.9 Ethics, Analytics and the Duty of Care: The MOOC. Now I should emphasize that signup is completely optional and is only for email notifications (and only because I need to know where to send the email). This will be a connectivist MOOC, completely open, and will run for 8 weeks from the beginning of October to the end of November.
2020.8 learning to learn online
2020.4 Facilitating learning in practice via OERu
D2020.4 design a Feminist Chatbot UAL Creative Computing Institute *
2020.4.3 LibreTexts to Canvas – Supplementing and Re-Mixing Open Educational Resources Content in Canvas LibreTexts offers a comprehensive and ever-growing collection of OER. How do you move content from LibreTexts to Canvas? Join us to explore the ease of importing content from LibreTexts and the benefits of doing so. Apr 3, 2020 02:00 PM in Pacific Time (US and Canada)
2020.4.2 Open Educational Resources (OER) Licensing and Attributions This webinar will provide an overview of the various Creative Commons licenses, how content with different licenses can be combined, and how to give proper attributions. Apr 2, 2020 10:00 AM in Pacific Time (US and Canada)
2019.12 Learning Ally . CG Aux .
2020.1 negotiation. Goal: What is your goal in business negotiations: a binding contract or the creation of a relationship? Goal Attitudes: What is your attitude toward negotiation: win/lose or win/win? Attitudes Personal Styles: During negotiations, is your personal style informal or formal? Personal Styles Communications: Is your communication style in negotiation direct (for instance, clear and definite proposals and answers) or indirect (for instance, vague, evasive answers)? Communications Time Sensitivity: In the negotiation process, is your sensitivity to time high (for instance, you want to make a deal quickly) or low (you negotiate slowly)? Time Sensitivity Emotionalism: During negotiations, is your emotionalism high (that is, you have a tendency to display your emotions) or low (you hide your feelings)? Emotionalism Agreement Form: Do you prefer agreements that are specific (that is, detailed) or general? Agreement Form Agreement Building: Do you view negotiation as bottom up (reach agreement on details first) or top down (begin with agreement on general principle)? Agreement Building Team Organization: As a member of a negotiating team, do you prefer having one leader who has authority to make a decision or decision making by consensus? Team Organization Risk Taking: Is your tendency to take risks during negotiations high (for instance, your opening offer to sell is extremely high) or low?
MOOCs 2019
2019.12 learningPool * how to write good e-learning questions and what you can learn by analysing the answers. * Multiple choice coupled with "explain your choice" open-ended follow-up question - any of the choices are "right". The point is to see the reasoning behind the selection. * A variation on some of these types - have a picture or diagram as part of the question prompt. Although I haven't used it, audio prompts can be great in language learning. * "Here is the answer. What are some questions?" Starts off with the correct answer. Gives learners a challenge to broaden their thinking and confidence. * I am fortunate in that I have the flexibility and the technology in my online courses to use any of these. More focus on application and synthesis would be appropriate. * Most assignments are open-ended questions answered based on research and explanation in an online discussion forum. Everyone benefits including me. * Sadly, I'm familiar with all of these. A good quickfire challenge like the airport scanner example, could be useful if done well. *
2019.2 *
Exploring Play: The Importance of Play in Everyday Life
earliest MOOCs - I was there
- CCK08 (2008), PLENK2010 (2010), MobiMOOC (2011), EduMOOC (2011), Change11 (2011/12), DS106 (2011/2012) and LAK12 (2012). They represent an emerging methodology of online teaching. Their structure was inspired by the philosophy of connectivism and the implementation requires conceptual changes in perspective from both “facilitators” (tutors) and learners. They all share being multispaced courses where the learner's blogs and personal spaces define much of the learning.
- CCK08 Connectivism and Connective Knowledge Online Course - CCK08 Sept 2008 - my notes