User:Vtaylor/MOOCs/MOOCs 2017

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MOOCS 2017

  • 2017.5 * Introduction to Engineering Mechanics - This course is an introduction to learning and applying the principles required to solve engineering mechanics problems. Concepts will be applied in this course from previous courses you have taken in basic math and physics. The course addresses the modeling and analysis of static equilibrium problems with an emphasis on real world engineering applications and problem solving.

"Diversity is being invited to the party; inclusion is being asked to dance." - Verna Myers

  • 2017.4 Education for All * Inclusive education is about addressing barriers to learning and participation and transforming school communities to allow them to really benefit from inclusion. * "Diversity is being invited to the party; inclusion is being asked to dance." - Verna Myers * https://twitter .com/search?q=%23FLed4all&src=typd #FLed4all] * "Diversity is being invited to the party; inclusion is being asked to dance." - Verna Myers

  • 2017.2 Systems Thinking and Complexity UNESCO UNITWIN Complex Systems Digital Campus
  • 2017.2 * Rome

2017.1 - Designing Assessments to Measure Student Outcomes * Summarise the importance of validity, reliability, and fairness in building quality assessments. * pyramid - name describe explain compare suggest

  • v Regarding teaching and learning as a "system" gets at the concerns many of us have with "assessments". "Feedback" and making immediate adjustments to the system based on feedback are core concepts in systems design. Roger Weissberg of CASEL said, “Right now what would be most helpful would be a classroom focus on powerful learning and feedback systems for students and teachers.” There is so much emphasis on assessing and measuring that any feedback there is, isn't helping teachers and students right here and now where the learning should be happening.
  • developing humans - Roger Weissberg of CASEL said, “Right now what would be most helpful would be a classroom focus on powerful learning and feedback systems for students and teachers.”
  • v 1.8 Teaching teachers to use a course management system provides a unique opportunity for assessment. Initially, they work as students in a sample course with quizzes, assignments and asynchronous graded discussions. Then they develop a module for a course of their own starting with their learning objectives to demonstrate their technical and content knowledge.
  • Assessment for Learning (A4L) - Assessment for Learning: An international platform to support national learning assessment systems According to the Global Monitoring Report of UNESCO, 250 million children have not learned basic numeracy and literacy skills, even though half of them have spent at least four years in school. As a result, there is a shift in emphasis at the global level from access to education to access and learning symbolized by the Sustainable Development Goal 4: “Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning.”
  • v 1,6 The folks who are organizing the Global Learning xPrize start by assuming there aren't enough teachers and won't be any time soon. "The learning solutions developed by this prize will enable a child to learn autonomously. And, those created by the finalists will be open-sourced for all to access, iterate and share. This technology could be deployed around the world, bringing learning experiences to children otherwise thought unreachable, who do not have access to quality education, and supplementing the learning experiences of children who do." As we have seen with mobile phone adoption, it is possible (and desirable) to jump ahead to the next technology solution bypassing outdated, expensive, unscalable (copper wire land line telephone service) solutions.
  • local assessment - self-evaluation, context

2017.2 - Survey of Instructional Design (ID) Models seminar (30 January–3 February)

2017.1 - BEGIN ROBOTICS - nice online simulations for robot controls * 2 wheels *

2017.1 - Differentiated learning STEM

  • successes. eureka moments. questions, problems. * differentiation - task outcome intervention route
  • scaffolding * thinking organizers - mind map, venn diagram, fishbone * card sort * pyramid - name, describe, explain, compare, suggeet
  • 5.4 finger tiangles - got it. half - not really sure. finger - need help with this
  • v 3.6 If I have nothing else planned and students complete all the work, this is a great opportunity to have them do some online research such as find online resources that explain the material better, related activities, and/or TED talks about the subject.
  • v.. The grid provides a nice reminder to think about the "big picture" of a situation or learning experience, rather than just making notes about each cell in isolation.grid - successes. eureka moments. questions, problems.
  • v..What do you mean by "one activity"? Just wondering how broadly or narrowly you see this. What age and ability are in the class? How many in a class?
  • v..That will be hardest part - getting kids to take the initiative. So many kids today aren't curious, at least about anything related to school and education. I'm looking forward to any insight and suggestions for helping kids to start participating in any choices and decisions about their own learning.
  • Lev Vygotsky and ZPD Zone of Proximal Development - problem solving under adult guidance or in collaboration with more capable peers. “More Knowledgeable Other” (MKO) as anyone who has a better understanding or a higher ability level than the learner, particularly in regards to a specific task, concept or process. MKO could be a peer, sibling, a younger person, or even a computer. The key to MKO is that they must have more knowledge about the topic being learned than the learner does. can raise the student’s competence through the ZPD.
  • Mihály Csíkszentmihályi and Flow - a task that has clear goals that require specific responses.
  • v..Although I don't remember the source, the quote "You only learn what you almost know" has been a great guide. It is pretty similar to Lev Vygotsky and ZPD. Interesting to consider that the MKO - More Knowledgeable Other could be a peer or a computer has significant implications for situations where there just aren't enough adults or teachers who are "more knowledgeable". Something to think about...
  • v.. For my online college courses, I start a new topic by having students provide 1-2 sentences about their current understanding of the topic. They post their responses to the class discussion. This helps me and it allows the students to gauge where they are relative to others in the class.