Lectric Library Catalog
From WikiEducator
Catalog - tags, keywords
- phone type - apps, iPad, android, webapp
- tools, reference, list, resource, teaching
- download / review - date yymmm downloaded, status - r2d2 (really good content/Relevance, Design), x
- free, notfree
- 2player
Requests, areas of interest - locate and review
- reading for reluctant readers
- math practice - not drill and kill
- tools - school work, studying, notes
- presentation / portfolio / artifacts
- library - catalog, apps use tracking, reviews and feedback capture
- dinosaurs
- activities - physics using on-board sensors
- very cool unexpected uses
- interesting audio
Waiting review - looked promising, included as Diigo K-8 bookmark > weekly news post
- Sky Walk, Brushes
Reviews, feedback, recommendations
- see Diigo bookmarks for link, overview, tags, ..review summary
R2D2 - highest rating (0-2) - in-depth review as blog post - Relevance - great content, Design - well executed
- art - Brushes
- language arts - VocabPlusLite
CBB - Could Be Better, ok, not great
- aviation, military - USAF Tech Hanger
X0 - disappointing, don't bother