सीमा सिरपाल Seema Sirpal

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Contact-new.svg Seema Sirpal
Employer:Delhi University Computer Centre
Occupation:IT Professional
Other roles:Web Technologies
Skype address:sirpal.seema
Certificate orange.svg
This user was certified a Wiki Apprentice Level 2 by Gita_Mathur .
हि This user is a native speaker of Hindi हिन्दी.
L4C-small.png This user was a proud participant of eL4C54.

This user is a WikiNeighbour
for WikiEducator.

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
― Mahatma Gandhi

You have to dream before your dreams can come true.
इससे पहले कि सपने सच हों आपको सपने देखने होंगे
-अब्दुल कलाम Abdul Kalam

Today is February 13, 2025

My profile

I am a Web Technologist, with a passion for building quality web applications. 


Professional background

Presently working with:

Delhi University Computer Centre, University of Delhi as Senior System Programmer

Work Profile:

a) Web & Database Server Administration,

b) Web development,

c) Training Post Graduate Students, Research Scholars and Faculty - Staff of Delhi University for various Information and Communication Technology courses like Oracle, Web designing, Programming concepts etc. ,

d) Managing Web hosting for University Departments / Colleges/ Faculty,

e) Content Management of University Website,

f) Web / Online Applications design and implementation for the University.

Past Work Experience: 
State Bank Group
National Small Industries Corporation Ltd.
All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)


M.Tech (Information Technology)
M.Sc. (Computer Science)
Microsoft Certified Professional
Sun Certified System Administrator (Part I)

My interests


With more than 18 years of experience; including 10 years of experience in Corporate Sector, I have developed strong expertise in web development, following processes that combine best practices, efficiency and quality.

My Photo Gallery


My Webpage

Icon inter.gif

Web Resources

Click here to download my presentations

My Learning4Content course home page

My Sandbox

My sandbox

My wiki projects

My optional community service (learning contract) project

100px-L4C-small.png  Agreement
By signing this optional learning contract I will try to complete my training in basic wiki editing skills to achieve the status of a Wikibuddy. In return for this free training opportunity, I will give the gift of knowledge by donating or developing at least one free content resource licensed under a CC-BY-SA or CC-BY license which can be used by myself (and others) on WikiEducator.
Brief description of project
<Enter a brief description of the content resource or WikiEducator project you would like to work on here>
Target date for completion
<Specify the target date for completion --- you choose the date which can be after the completion of this workshop>.
 <Login and with the rich text editor click on the "Insert signature" button above: RTENOTITLE.>

Feedback and notes from my WikiNeighbours

Re: Kindly accept our heartfelt thanks for joining this eL4C54 WikiEducator Online Workshop. Hope you shall join us for future programmes too!--Ramesh Sharma, PhD 12:20, 6 July 2013 (UTC)

(Comment.gif: Hello Seema, You are very welcome to this eL4C54 Online workshop. Dr Gita Mathur, Dr Pankaj Khare and me are your facilitators and will help you in developing your page. Enjoy this workshop and do not hesitate to ask for help. You can either leave a message on our user pages or email us. Best Wishes.--R C Sharma, PhD 09:54, 26 June 2013 (UTC) )
(Comment.gif: Great start dear Seema. Keep adding. Fill your infobox.--Dr. Gita Mathur 14:33, 3 July 2013 (UTC))
(Comment.gif: Thanks Ma'am)

  • Add note here

---- Facilitators - eL4C54


EL4C54 - WikiEducator Learning4Content Workshop: Learn Wiki Skills for leveraging the potential of Open Educational Resources
June 26 to July 10, 2013

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